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happy 50 chapters my beautiful babes :')


Just as the morning before, I had awoken early. This time, however, it was even earlier.

I noticed that the light was just beginning to rise, and that everything outside had a bluish tint. I never get up before the sun, but it felt right today. I never feel so positive when I wake up, but today feels like it's going to be a really good day.

All of that sounds disgusting. I'm never a morning person.

It feels so weird to be up at 7 am, but that could be related to Rafe getting up. He didn't exactly shut the door quietly, which was fine with me. I'm sure he didn't mean to be so loud.

But the nosy side of me wants to know what he's up to in these meetings. Why can't I be included if it's my money as well?

I get out of bed and put on Rafe's grey OBX Prep sweatshirt. The chilly marble floor shot goosebumps up my spine as soon as I stepped out the door. Despite recently being built, this house looks like it could potentially be from the 1800s. Everything about it screams evil.

No wonder we're all staying here.

I could hear some voices downstairs, but it was hard to understand them. The good part about this house just being built, is that the floors don't creak. Because everything is built of marble, your footsteps are extremely quiet wherever you walk. It's allows me to be even sneakier with my nosy motives.

"The gold, son, is what was on the cargo plane that day on the tarmac," I could easily tell that was Ward's voice. All of their conversations always sound so serious.

The aroma of bacon was in the air, it made my stomach growl almost immediately. If I was any closer it might've given my hiding spot away.

"That's why it was so important?" Rafe asks quietly. I wonder who else was here, that's the only reason they'd be whispering.

"Yes," Ward says. "You were the only reason that the gold was able to leave the Outer Banks that day." So because Rafe killed Peterkin, we were able to get this gold.

There's a part of me that feels guilty again, because this gold was obtained in a highly illegal way.

But another part of me, a very small part of me, is telling me that we need this money. That we now have the opportunity to live comfortably for the rest of our lives. That part of me is slowly erasing the guiltiness.

And I don't know if that's a good or bad thing.

"We're doing the drop today," Ward's voice interrupts my thoughts. "The plane that's coming to pick up the gold arrives at noon."

"Noon," Rafe repeats. "Okay. I'll go wake Corrine up."

"You're sure you want her involved?" Ward asks. "Mike said that he wasn't sure if she was capable of doing a drop like this." I scoff. Of course he fucking said that.

"How's he gonna put such a harsh label on her when he barely even knows her?" Rafe retorts. I love how he's always so quick to defend me, even when I'm not there. "She's smarter than anyone here Dad."

"I'm not doubting her," Ward tells his son. "Her father was, I'm just passing on the message."

"She can do this," Rafe says. "I know she can."

What exactly does this drop entail? It's starting to worry me how big of a deal it is to everyone. Aren't we just taking the gold back to where we came in? That was only a ten minute drive from here.

"If you say so, I believe you."

"Can you finish up breakfast and I'll go get her?" Fuck. I quickly turn on my heal and walk towards the room we were staying in. I jump into bed, slowly laying down as I hear the door open.

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