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Rafe had convinced me to spend the night at his place.

It didn't take much to persuade me, it's not like I wanted to go home to my screwed up family.

So I had awoken early, maybe around 9 a.m. The spot Rafe was sleeping in was now deserted; he was likely away with Ward in their meetings.

For a while, I look up at the ceiling. The most difficult thing I've done in a long time has been trying to process what occurred yesterday. My mother had returned, but not to reconnect with me.

But because she wanted money.

How fucked up is that? Your parent only returns back into your life for a large amount of money. Maybe she was having financial problems as well. It would make complete sense. She would have stayed wherever the fuck she was if she hadn't found out about the money.

Money drives people crazy. That's one thing I've learnt through my childhood as a Kook. We had never experienced financial problems before, so learning that we were in trouble came as quite a surprise. Not only my family, but also Rafe's.

That is why we need this money. And I'm willing to go to any length to get it. Rafe's face lit up with a mischievous grin when I told him that yesterday. It's as though the worst thing I could have possibly done entered his mind. And he seemed to enjoy it.

I love Rafe with all my heart. But when you spend a lot of time with the same people, you start to change. You adapt to them.

But I can't let that happen. I can't turn into my dad, or Ward, or even Rafe. They're all too obsessed with money. And money makes you crazy.

I look over at the doorway as I hear the door swing open. Rafe enters, his gaze fixed on me as he moves up to our bed. He lays down and wraps his arm around my waist. He was warm, in contrast to the cool air conditioning.

"Hi," I say. He hums into my shoulder. "When did you get up?" He picks his head up and stares at me before answering.

"A while ago." He moves some hair away from my face. "How'd you sleep?"

"Fine," I say. I notice the vent from the air was directly across the room, aimed straight at the bed. "It's cold in here."

"I have a sweatshirt in my bag if you want it." I'd been using his clothing for a while, but I needed some of my own. I nod as I feel him stand up and move over to the navy blue luggage. A few seconds later, he tosses it over to me. I take it from the bed and pull it over my head.

He joins me back on the bed, laying on top of me. He buries his head into my stomach.

"Did you know I was up?" I ask.


"So why'd you come in here?"

"Cause I missed you." I smile, running my hands through his hair. "And I wanted to wake you whether you were up or not."

"How were you going to wake me?" I ask, moving my fingers in circles now.

"I can't show you, you're already up," He teases. "It would give it away for next time."

"No it wouldn't," I play along. "I think you could wake me up in a number of ways."

"Oh yeah?" He lifts his head up off of me. "How so?" He smirks.

"Figure it out yourself." He narrows his eyes at me. I stick my tongue out in response.

"Figure it out yourself," He mocks me.

I giggle, "Shut up."

"Make me." He gets off of me a couple of seconds later.

"I can't, when you're all the way over there." He smirks over at me, and picks an outfit out.

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