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I woke up the next morning disoriented and dazzed. I was still too tired to move and I realized what woke me. Lila was trying to get out from the cage my arms made around her chest. I tightened my arms and kissed her ear, whispering, "I love you, Lila."

She froze at first before turning her head to look at me. I lifted myself onto my elbow and smiled. "You talked." Lila blushed and looked away. I laughed at her lightly. "Why are you embarrassed?" She blushed more and tried to leave my arms again. I pinned her against my chest and laid back down. "Don't go," I whispered. She stayed there obediently.

We laid there in silence for a few minutes before I asked, "Lila?" She looked over her shoulder at me. I leaned up a bit so she could see me. "Can you say it again?" I had no real hope that she would actually say anything but I had to try. She looked away and shook her head slowly. "Lila, please?" She turned her head away and shook her head more frantically.

I hesitated before turning her face to me and cupping her cheek in my hand. I looked at her from under my lashes and unleashed the full sorrow of my eyes. "Please," I begged. It was cruel, I admit, but I just wanted to hear it one more time, when I was fully awake and could memorize her voice. I felt her heartbeat quicken in pace under my pinkie.

We stared into each others eyes, both of us begging for the other to give up on our mission. I gave up when I sighed and looked at the clock. It was way past noon. "We should probably get up." I looked down at Lila. She had laid her head back down on the pillow and closed her eyes. I moved her hair to kiss her temple.

I got up and walked to the door, but something stopped me. "Koby?" Her voice was frantic and hoarse.

My heard skipped and I smiled, turing towards her, "Yes?"

She hadn't lifted her head So she wasn't looking at me, but I could see her face was indecisive. She gripped the bedding under her before whispering, "Don't go.... Please don't go."

My smile disappeared before I climbed back into bed. I hugged her close and told her, "I'm not going anywhere."



-Age 24-

Lila still doesn't talk much. But every once in a while, I get to hear her lovely voice. She'll quietly sing to herself or whisper something she really wants me to know. Even the simple 'I love you' was enough for my heart to skip. And she never got boring.

We got married of course which is always fun. A lot of people assume we're only dating because we 'act like young lovers'. Ha! If they only knew!

Lila became an author and I support her completely. I got a day job just to get out of the house, but I usually just helped Lila find her words. She kicked me out when she started writing this one though. I was determined to find out why.

Lila had left at about 3 am this morning for a book signing a few hours away. I told her I wasn't feeling well and I'd stay home. I hated lying to her, but I had to be alone at the house. She tried to stay, but I convinced her to go. When I was sure she was gone and wasn't going to turn around, I snuck into her office. Her computer was gone, but I knew she kept the first few chapters printed out for editing.

I searched through all her drawers and cabits and I couldn't find anything first. It wasn't until I looked in a little locked box that I found them. It took a minute to pick the lock but I finally got it.

It didn't have a tittle yet, but the first words were;

The night I met him was the night of his twelfth birthday.

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