Chapter 1: That 'Something'

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Title: Accidents Do Happen

Author: Lacrimoire

Pairing: Itachi/Sakura/LovePolygons

Genres: Romance/Comedy/Family/Lemon-ish?/SliceofLife

A/N: Hello! This is a fanfic I hope you'll enjoy. This is still the beginning but I assure you the rest will be entertaining. Don't get me wrong, I like Sasu/Saku too but I think Itachi is smexy as hell. Anyways, reviews will be appreciated. I did edit some stuff here to improve the story.


Italic – sometimes I use this for flashbacks, emphasis and inner thoughts.

Chapter One: That 'Something'

Sakura is staying up late...


A lot of paperwork is waiting for her on her coffee table. The paperwork from last week and this week are all on that table forming a messy stack. She hates disorder but her life is not well-organize at the moment either. She's twenty-five for Pete's sake and here she is, making more money with no time for herself.

The silence throbbed in her ears.

Sakura stares at the small black smudge on her perfectly white ceiling ... her long pink hair dangling behind her swivel chair. She's at a loss of what to do and is currently facing a dilemma.

How will she face the world after a few realizations?

She's been running full-speed ahead of her...

Not looking around or taking a break from her so called 'race-of-life'. Distraction is a luxury she can't afford. Once she decided on something it'll be difficult to deter her on any point. That's what made her so successful.

And probably so utterly blind.

She assured herself that what she's sure of what she's doing but that was shattered by a dream –more of a nightmare actually.

Sakura rarely takes a nap in her office and at that rare point a nightmare of her being all-wrinkly and lonely with nothing but a big empty house as a company haunted her. It might be a silly dream but it was a wake-up call to the coward in her.

What ifs flooded her system breaking that strong facade.

What if there's no one for her in this world?

One of the greatest fears of humanity is after all ... isolation.

She stared at her reflection on the glass window. Sea foam green eyes stared back at her. She's petite with a round face and her hair is pink.


Pink is her natural hair color. Albinism is probably much better than looking-like a demented flamingo. She tried dyeing it with a more natural color like black or brown but it just doesn't suit her. She finally gave up when she woke up with loads of hair fall on her pillow.

Her forehead is humongous too. She's not in the gorgeous/voluptuous category more of the cute/kawaii class.

'What is cute again?'


Small and ugly.

She also has this'ancient-like' fashion sense and what she means by ancient-like is that, she only wear white, black and grey. That's what her job requires and it even influenced her taste for casual clothes. Sakura has this idea that her charms can never ensnare a man and to add insult to the injury, we have more women than men so there's a big possibility she'll get left behind.

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