Chapter 4: Mood Swings and Cravings

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Chapter Four: Mood Swings and Cravings

Sakura barely avoided tripping over her giant teddy bear as she got out of bed in the morning. In addition to everything else, it seemed she'd acquired a part-time pet.


That part-time pet is a sleek black cat with eerie yellowish eyes. The cat suddenly appeared three nights ago and she's taking care of it. She's not really a cat-person but that's what solitary life will give you.

Love for animals.

It always disappears during the day but it always return at night time. How and where it got in is a mystery, she should check her apartment if it's safe.

She'd fallen asleep last night counting and recounting the days since her last period. It's been two weeks since it happened and her three-week' sick leave is almost over. She's worried, scared. Her period is already a week overdue. The pregnancy kits Ino brought her are still on her table … untouched.

Her body seems fine, like always.

She "should" be safe, but "should" was far from a guarantee. For all she knew, she could right now be incubating the first grandchild of Fugaku and Mikoto Uchiha. She feels strange and giddy for some strange reasons she can't name.

Is she happy that she finally got what she wanted?

She's happy alright. She wanted it right? But the fact that Uchiha Itachi, his best friend's brother would be the father is just … awkward, scary, daunting, blood-curling and more. So if she's indeed pregnant … if that happened …well …

She'll cross the bridge when she gets there.

Sakura was about to head on the bathroom when she heard a loud crash in the kitchen area. She thought maybe she's just hearing things but she heard a loud crash again.

Is someone invading her apartment?


Sakura grabbed the nearest means of self-defense in the room.

An umbrella.

She treads softly to the direction of the kitchen, as quite as a mouse, not making any noise. As she's getting close she can hear people chatting - more like whispering.

'Three? No. Two.' She deduced.

She's not going down without a fight. She didn't learn aikido and judo for nothing. What's with the umbrella? Her fist is too lethal, umbrella would minimize the damage. Armed with a pointed-umbrella she screamed, from the top of her lungs…


Instead of some suspicious looking people, she found a blonde-guy choking from his cup of noodles and a dark-haired guy holding a frying pan and staring back at her with a bored look on his face.

"Naruto! Sasuke-kun?" she finally let go of the umbrella with a relieved sigh. "What are you doing here – stop eating my cup noodles Naruto! Spit it out!" Naruto just give her a toothy-grin.

"You were prepared to defend yourself with that?" Sasuke asked.

"What's wrong with an umbrella?" poking the umbrella with her foot. "We ninjas have to use whatever's on hand." Sakura replied knowingly while adjusting her glasses.

"Ninja my ass."

"Ass? Seriously Uchiha? You could've used 'butt'. Ass is way too crude… and never ever use the word 'ninja' and 'ass' in one sentence." She always addresses him using his last name whenever she's upset or just plain annoyed.

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