Chapter Eight: The Reveal

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Title: Accidents Do Happen

Author: Nyaaan

Pairing: Itachi/Sakura/LovePolygons

Genres: Romance/Comedy/Family/SliceofLife

Disclaimers: I don't own Naruto . But I want Itachi. He's smexy. Oh so smexy. I own nothing but my delusions lol.

Chapter Eight: The Reveal




"Sakura-chan!" The Uchiha matriarch exclaimed in a very happy voice. "It's been a long time. I missed you so much." Mikoto examines Sakura's body checking for changes.

Sasuke went straight to his room while Sakura is stuck with Mikoto.

"I'm glad you look rounder. I prefer you like this. You should spend the night here Sakura-chan, we have a lot of catching up to do." Mikoto pats her head fondly.

"I would love to Mikoto-sama but I have a lot of paperworks waiting for me at home."

"Paperworks? You really should settle down dear, so you'll have something to look forward to whenever you go home. Sasuke is still single." The matriarch whispered teasingly earning a giggle from Sakura.

"But I'm really worried about Itachi." She frowned. "He's not getting any younger and the clan wants him to have a family of his own already. He's seeing someone already so I really hope it work out fine this time."

"H-He's seeing someone?" Sakura hoped she heard it wrong.

"Mhm. It was his high school sweetheart. I think you might know her since she's a senior from your high school Sakura-chan. Anko. Mitarashi Anko." The matriarch smiled. "It's romantic don't you agree? It's like they're fated to be together once again."

Sakura just nod. Somehow, it's hard to smile. Is she being emotionally involved? She's not supposed to feel that way, specially now.

An accident is nothing compared to fate anyway.

'Wait. Why am I even concern about that?'

"Go hangout in Itachi's room for now Sakura-chan. The living room is under renovation and Sasuke's room is just ... well the stacks of papers are taking the space so Itachi's room is the most comfortable place I can offer you right now."

"I'll be with you in the kitchen Mikoto-sama, I want to hel—"

"Shush, I know you're tired. You can take a nap there, and there are a lot of books you might like. I'll come get you when the dinner is ready." Mikoto then disappeared leaving Sakura alone in front of Itachi's room.

'Now what?'




She's been at Itachi's room before when she was a kid. It's her hiding place whenever they play hide-and-seek before. She didn't expect it would be this big now. Uchiha Itachi likes black and white so it's expected that most of the furnishings in his room have that color.

She explores the bathroom.

'How annoying, it's even bigger than my room.'

Nostalgia suddenly hits her.

 Itachi is not a very open person so sometimes it's up to the people around him to get to know him better. You have to notice tiny details in his actions or on the things he has to have a clue on what's on his mind.

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