Chapter 5: Bribes

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Chapter Five: Bribes

A few years back:

A six-year old Sakura is sitting on one of the swings in the park. She's waiting for Sasuke and Naruto to come. She's kicking the pebbles that are on the ground to ease her boredom. They're supposed to be here by now.

'They sure are late.'



She's expecting to see Naruto's spiky blonde hair or Sasuke's black chicken-butt hairstyle but instead of those its Itachi Uchiha that appeared. He's carrying a book with him, his dark orbs staring at Sakura. Sakura tilts her head. Itachi interpret it as 'do-you-need-something-look?'

Itachi is somewhat tall for a nine-year old so he's towering over Sakura.

So this is her huh?

The only female friend of his little brother.

'What's the name of this squirt again?'

She sure looks odd.

She's got that glasses that is too big for her face, her forehead is huge too and her hair is pink. It's his first time seeing her up-close since he tends to stay in his room to study whenever she and that Naruto-kid invades their home.


The same kind of pink he saw on the flamingo statues that are on his mother's garden. Sasuke caught a cold so he's there on his behalf.


The blonde kid that sticks to her like a shadow is not on sight. So it'll be that kid and him. The trio promised each other to go to the cherry blossom festival but since Sasuke can't make it, his mother asked him to go. He hates festivals but what really ruins his mood is that:

He has to wake up at an ungodly hour of seven in the morning just to escort a strange-looking kid.

"I know you. You're Sasuke-kun's onii-chan!" she beamed. "Where's Sasuke?"

"He can't come today."

An instant disappointed expression ruins her joyful face. "Is that so?"

"But since I'm here, I can accompany you." He offered.

Sakura's face brightens up. "Really?! You'll do that? Thank you, Sasuke-kun's onii-chan."

"I have a name you know."

Her brows creased a bit. She's sure he heard his name before. What was it again? She can't remember but it certainly has a "chi" in it.

Think. Think. Think.



(*Buta – in Japanese, it means pig.)

"Who's 'Butachi'?"

"That's your name right?" Sakura said while getting off the swing.

A blank stare...

He doesn't like this kid. Maybe it's a petty reason but first impressions have a strong effect on how he label and judge people. After all, he takes pride in his name and she just ruined it by adding pig in it.

"It's Itachi. I-ta-chi. If you can't remember, at least be honest about it. Don't name people base on your perceptions, kid."

Itachi can't wait for this day to be over.

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