Chapter Six: Bread Knife

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Title: Accidents Do Happen

Author: Lacrimoire

Pairing: Itachi/Sakura/LovePolygons

Genres: Romance/Comedy/Family/SliceofLife

Chapter 6: Bread Knife




The incident with Itachi was two months ago.

How is she?

She's doing well. Well, at least now. Sakura is all-paranoid after the small encounter she had with the red-haired friend of Itachi. What he knows, she didn't want to hear.

Whatever he knows, she'll make sure it'll stay a secret. She can't risk Itachi knowing!

She twiddles her thumb, a gesture she does whenever she's nervous. If situation calls ...

Well ...

...a dead man can't speak.

Such evil thought are bad for her brain and the life in her. She still can't believe she's really pregnant except that the small bump on her tummy is a screaming proof that it's all real. Last week, Sasuke was with her to help her change her wardrobe. Imagine her horror when suddenly her pants don't fit her anymore. She's getting rounder it seems, since she's her first trimester is almost at its end.

Sakura is on her way to meet the pillar of this great firm...

Uchiha Madara.

For whatever reason, she has no idea. She's never been in his office before and as what she heard, only those that are about to receive a promotion and those that are about to get fired are the only ones who can enter his office.

Sakura really hopes it's not the latter.

Her sneakers squeak against the marble floor of Madara Uchiha's office.  She must be crazy for wearing disgusting sneakers with skirt.

If she'd known she'll be meeting the great Madara Uchiha, she would've brought one of her sophisticated footwear with her. Imagine her horrors when she received an urgent summon from him and do you know what she realized about today?

She realized how it sucks to have male co-workers...

You can't expect them to lend you fancy stilettos for emergency.

She hates wearing heels while working, the fact that those are designed to make her suffer it's also for the safety of her child. So she can't afford to go tackling the floor which she does on some occasions, and Sakura finally found a good use for the fluffy slipper Naruto brought her last year.

No Uchiha Madara on the swivel chair.

'Now where is he?'

She anxiously starts pacing around the room, the annoying squeak from her sneakers echoes in the silence. A golden apple from Uchiha Madara's table caught Sakura's eyes. It's so pretty that she picked it up out of curiosity.

From the corner of her eyes, she noticed a figure.

It startled her that she dropped the golden apple on the marble floor. Blame it to her pregnancy that she's too jumpy!

'So much for first impression...'

She's ready to bow and utter an apology when the Uchiha stops her with his right hand slicing the air. A gesture she decoded as 'It's Okay.'

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