Chapter 3: Strawberries

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Chapter 3: Strawberries

Itachi is not a morning person and he hates mornings.

Mornings demand too much, and he plans to sleep the whole day. He's positive there are tons of e-mails and piles of paperwork by now but he's only a human and rest is necessary.

Managing the Uchiha Empire while being a lawyer is not an easy job, and he's having way too much hair-fall from stress these days.

'Should I change my brand of shampoo?' Is what's going on in his mind.

Why is he a lawyer/prosecutor when he's already an heir?

…Because it's fun.

Don't get him wrong, he take justice seriously. The thrill he feels whenever he's in that courtroom is his entertainment and his uncle, Madara Uchiha is happy enough to have him there. Madara Uchiha owns the Emperor's Firm, and the lawyers there are his tools of changing the world.

Yeah, shit like that.

Itachi spends most of his time in his office but whenever there's a case he wants to handle, he ditches his company.


…Because it's fun.

That's not Fugaku's idea of fun though so he'll certainly talk him out of that matter … again. It's not like he's being too laid-back. Whenever he's out, someone trusted by him takes over.

He moves his arm to reach out to the woman next to him …


That's to be expected, it's a one-night stand.

But she's a virgin! Well, was.

Despite the risk of sounding lewd, she was his first virgin.

And something in him is really pleased he's her first. He had sex before, but he must admit that's one of the best. It felt right. Her scent is intoxicating and he just can't get enough of her. And Itachi find it strange, since he doesn't fanboy over a woman … specially one-night stands like her.

It was a meaningful one-night stand though.

Speaking of her

He recalled giving her his number. Maybe a 'thank you for last night' message would be there.

Wrapping the blanket around his hips he starts looking for his coat on the floor. Once he found it, the phone is not there.

Scanning the floor for his phone's whereabouts he finally found it, under a weird-looking object.

'A bra?' Itachi's pleased chuckle filled the room. When will she stop being interesting?

He starts browsing the messages from his phone. There's an unread message from an unknown number. But what he read entirely wiped the smile off his face.

Message: Where were u last night? Ur door was locked so I had to go have fun somewhere else. We can do it tonight though, can't wait. ;)

A blink…

Followed by a shocking realization.




It did cross his mind that she's probably the wrong woman but …

There's no buts! How could he mistake her for some bimbo? She's way too naïve for someone that treats a club as her second home. That shaking hands carressing his back... that fragile body and her voice... her voice is just music to his ears …

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