Chapter 3

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Lost Girl

<--Chapter 3-->

I opened my eyes slowly. Seeing myself not in my house but inside of a cage. My eyes widened and I shot up straight, not thinking and ending up hitting my head against the wooden bars.

"Ow..." I said as I rubbed my head. I then looked around. I was in a forest. How and why am I in a forest? There is no forest where I live, and even if there was, people wouldn't be kept there in cages!

My neck was throbbing in pain from where I was choked. I tried massaging the area in hopes to ease the pain while looking at my surroundings. I saw a silhouette of a boy leaning against a tree. It was midday but where Iwas the trees had blocked the sun so I couldn't see very well.

"You're awake," I heard the British accent and instantly recognized it as Peter's. I let my arm fall to my side. "Why am I here?" I asked. My voice a little shaky. Peter stood straight and started walking toward me. "What's the fun in telling you now?" He asked rhetorically as he stopped in front of my cage. 

"How did you take my parents' hearts?" I asked, looking up to meet his eyes. He smirked, "The same way I can do this," And he disappeared in a cloud of smoke and then reappeared behind me. I knew he could do that, I saw him do it before. "And this," He then appeared back in front of me." I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion. 

"Magic." He said. Then there were a couple of minutes of silence.

"Let's play a game," he said with a terrifying smirk on his lips as he crouched down so he could see me better. "What kind of game?" I asked. I was still a little shaken by recent events and couldn't stop thinking of my parents.

"A very simple one," he answered, standing up and circling my cage.

"I want you to notice one thing off about me," he began. "If you succeed, I answer one question, any question you can think of. But," he stopped in front of me and looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "If you fail, I take something from you, and you will never have or see it again." He said, ending the sentence with an evil chuckle at the end.

"But how will I know if I can only barely see you?" I asked curiously, pressing my face against the wooden bars.

"I'll let you out to see by yourself," he said with a smirk. "And don't try to run, because I will know. Remember, I know your every move so don't test me." He hissed, then opened the lock to the cage and the small door opened, yet I did not trust him.

What if it's a trap? I shouldn't trust him.

I look at him annoyed, not buying it. Now leaning back on the opposite side of the cage, my arms crossed, I rolled my eyes at Peter.

"Don't roll your eyes at me, princess." He said, getting angry.

I sighed. "Fine," I then got closer to his face. Looking deep into his forest green eyes, I held onto his hand as he helped me out of the cage. I looked at his proud smirk as he looked down at me, and it made me angry.

He hurt my family, he hurt me, he probably hurt and killed many people.

So why was I so special?

He walked back a few steps from me, and I started circling him, trying to see what was wrong. But the only thing was I couldn't find anything!

I stopped and looked into his eyes, completely clueless.

"Don't see anything?" Peter asked with a smug smirk. "Such a shame, oh well!" He said, clapping his hands. He then walked up to me quickly and ripped my necklace off my neck.

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