Chapter 6

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Lost Girl

<--Chapter 6-->

All I remember is water filling my lungs. I screamed for help as I was dragged down to the bottom of the ocean. The surface getting further. It was hard to keep my eyes open.

All the air ran out and I couldn't keep fighting. My vision became blurry until darkness consumed me.

When I woke up, I thought it was all a dream.

I wasn't in a cage as I expected to be in, but I wasn't on the ship either.

Where am I?

I had another look around and that's when it hit me.

I was in Peter's hut.

I immediately ran to the door but was stopped by a strange force when I tried to exit.

What the hell?

I walked to the door once again and tried to get my hand out. But it was stopped me before i could even touch it.

I put my hand down a took back a few steps until my legs hit the bed.

I sat down and waited. There was nothing for me to do but to wait until he arrives.

Soon enough, the door opens, and Peter steps in, closing the door after him.

The atmosphere in the room thickens and everything became silent all of the sudden.

I didn't move from the bed, just looked at him blankly, trying to hide the fear. But I wasn't only scared.

I was angry.

He stared at me with no emotion showing.

"First you disobey me," He started walking around the hut, his back never facing me.

"Then you lie to Felix," He stopped and looked at me. I couldn't tell what his look meant. It wasn't anger, not disgust or betrayal. It was something else.

"Then you try to run away from me." At that moment I knew what it meant. His face held disappointment.

The one look I couldn't bear.

He started making his way toward me.

I moved as fast as I could to the end of the bed but ended up hitting against the wooden wall.

My breathing quickened as Peter kept making his way to me.

He stood right in front of me, given the fact the bed isn't big.

He grabbed my arm and pulled me toward him.

My hand hit his chest. I could feel his hot breath against my skin. He looked into my eyes, our noses barely touching.

Something flashed in his eyes. It wasn't anger nor was it disappointment. It was something I had never seen in his eyes before.

We stayed like that for a few minutes. Staring into each other's eyes.

"Have I ever told you how pretty your eyes are?"

I felt heat making its way to my cheeks. Looked down, slightly smiling.

Two fingers lifted my chin gently and I locked eyes with Peter again.

After a few moments, he started leaning in.

Taylor, stop this!

But I didn't. I kept staring into his forest eyes.

Move away! Don't let this happen!

Lost Girl- Peter Pan OuatWhere stories live. Discover now