Chapter 9

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Lost Girl

<--Chapter 9-->

I wake up in a strange room, one I do not recognize, in a bed in the middle of the room with soft silk sheets and a mattress so soft I feel like I'm laying on a marshmallow. I look around and see a grand arched window to my left, open just a little bit. The walls were covered in white and gold flock wallpaper, two wood bedside tables, pictures of people I don't know on the walls, and a beautiful fireplace across from the bed.

I look at the slightly open door, on the right corner of the room. There were people in strange attire talking to one another. I could barely hear anything but I did manage to catch a few words.

"Do you think it's her?" A female with braided ginger hair asked. "She could be, but let's not get our expectations too high, Anna." A man with blond hair said, crushing Anna's spirits. 

"But she has the birthmark. I saw it, Kristoff." She said with much certainty. "And don't tell me it's just a coincidence, because it's not." She said before Kristoff could reply. Anna sighed after a couple of moments, "I just have a really strong feeling about her," She said calmly, looking at her feet. 

The man's eyes softened, "Look..." He said, making her look up at him. "Let's wait until she wakes up, then I'm sure we could get more information about her. Ok?" He asked softly. The red-headed girl nodded. They both left, letting me have a real good look around the room. 

I got out of the soft sheets and wandered the room. I walked to a small wooden table with two drawers, looking in them, I found paper, quills, ink, and all sorts of things. The table was empty. 

Next, I went to my bedside tables. One had all sorts of books and the other had a beautiful necklace:

(This is my idea of the necklace, you can choose whatever necklace you want)

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(This is my idea of the necklace, you can choose whatever necklace you want)

I held it up to admire it more. It was nothing like anything I had ever seen before. I touched the stone and it glowed a little, but not enough for anyone to notice. 

After admiring it some more I walked to the window, looking out into a town. There were people selling food and wood, calling for the people walking by. I saw a mother and her little boy, probably around the age of 10. He was walking on the edge of the large fountain in the middle of the square, while his mother was distracted, talking to one of the salesmen. When she saw him, she yelled at him, telling the little boy to come down before he falls into the water. 

Everyone looked so happy, it reminded me so much of my old life, making me remember how much I had missed it. 

I kept looking out into the town when someone cleared their throat, making me jump and turn around. 

I saw the same red-headed girl I saw before, standing in the middle of the room. She gave me a small smile as she apologized. 

"I'm sorry if I startled you," She said with a soft and warm voice. She walked a little bit toward me. "I'm Anna," She said. "Taylor." I said hesitantly. Her eyes lit up once I said my name.

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