Chapter 5

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Lost Girl

<--Chapter 5-->

I didn't know who this man was, but I knew I could trust him. He was my only way of getting out of this damned cage.

After I agreed, he picked the lock to the cage with his sword and helped me out. I still couldn't see very well, so I tried my best to stay as close as I could get so I won't lose him in the way and get lost.

"So, what did you do to end up in there?" The man asked as we walked through the dark forest.

"I disobeyed Peter and lied to Felix," I answered.

"Oh. It's worse than I thought," The man said. As he finished his sentence, we reached the shores.

"See there," he pointed to a large ship in the ocean. "That's where we're going."


I climbed the ladder which led to the main deck with the man behind me.

Once my feet hit the surface of the ship, all eyes were on me.

I felt the presence of the stranger standing behind me. I looked back at him unsure whether to trust him or not. He placed his hand on my shoulder and told the rest of the crew to keep working.

I studied the crew. Even if I couldn't see very well, I could tell they were all men. All in their middle age, yet work as if in their twenties.

The man from before led me through the ship and into the captain's quarters. I couldn't help but notice the maps which were hung on the walls. Each was of a different land.

All of them were marked with notes on the side of each marked territory.

Has he been to all these places?

"Ahem," he cleared his throat, pulling me out of my thoughts.

I turned to look at the man. Now that he lit a candle, I could get a better look at him.

Hair black as the night sky, eyes shining blue as an angry sea. His clothes were all black leather. When he moved, I saw the shine of the sword he has attached to his belt.

"Take a seat," he said, pointing to a chair in front of the desk.

I smiled nervously and sat down in front of him.

"So," he started talking, fidgeting with something in his hand. It shone like a dagger but looked more curved and less sharp.

The man rested his hand on the desk, showing what he was fidgeting with. But it wasn't something he was holding, it was attached to him.

It looked kind of like... a hook?

"What the-" I whispered to myself, yet he seemed to hear.

"Oh, my hook? Beautiful, isn't it?" He said filled with pride.

I was left speechless. What kind of people live on this island?

"Who... what...why...?" I stuttered. I didn't know what to say. All I did was look at the hook, wondering what happened and who this man is.

"Jones," he said. I looked up confused. "Killian Jones. That is my name." He said with a small smirk.

I nodded silently, not knowing what to say.

"This is usually when you tell me your name..." Killian said with a small chuckle at the end. "Oh, right!" I nervously laughed. "Um, Taylor," I said with a small smile.

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