Chapter 7

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Lost Girl

<--Chapter 7-->

I decided to go outside and see what was going on, knowing it was either that or staying in the hut until he comes back.

It was almost morning. I loved the cool air in the mornings. I always loved to go on early runs just for this.

I miss home.

I need to get off this island.

Ever since the almost kiss, I knew I couldn't stay. I wasn't made for this place, for the forest, the fighting, the hunting.

Sitting next to the now lit fire gave me some time to think to myself.

Do I like Peter? I mean he is cute and sometimes sweet. But also too overprotective and at times toxic. He kidnapped me from my home, ripped me from all the people I loved, and took me to think place. He can be romantic, I know it. And he does care for me. He just doesn't know how to express it.

So do I like him?


But do I love him?

I'm not sure. I mean, he's handsome and all but I don't think I love him.

I don't think I can ever love someone like him.

I wonder what the people back at home are thinking. Are they worried? Are they looking for me? Did they give up on looking for me? Do they think I'm dead?

Do they even care?

Someone put their hand on my shoulder.

Swiftly turned around and grabbed the hand, prying it away from my shoulder.

I looked up and saw Thomas.

Looking at Thomas made me remember Rose.

Rose. Why was I so obsessed with Rose?

Was it because I thought she and Peter were together?

Did I like Peter back then?

Well, Rose is the last thing that I care about now.

"Hey beautiful," Thomas said in his usual flirty voice.

"Hey," I replied with a smile.

He sat next to me, a little too close for my comfort.

"You know we shouldn't be talking. Peter would go nuts if he saw us sitting together, let alone speaking to each other." I said and scooted away a little.

"Well 'Peter' isn't here." He said, saying Peter with a mocking voice. He scooted closer to me.

 "And everyone else is asleep," he leaned close to me.

I could feel his hot breath on my skin, the way his eyes lingered all over my body. I was frozen in place, wanting to move away as his face came closer to mine.

"Meaning I can do whatever I want to you without anyone stopping me."

I heard my heart racing in my chest, my palms starting to sweat. But I stayed still. 

"Beautiful, beautiful Tay," He mused, tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear. 

"So pathetic, so weak," he stopped and smirked.

"All mine."

His lips crashed into mine, putting his hand on the back of my hand for support.

I immediately gained control of my body again and moved away, slapping him as hard as I could and made a run for it.

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