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Arthit and Kongpob

Third POV

Roaming around the mall freely and with a cold bottle of pink milk ....... Aishh. Wasn't it the best thing to do on a sunny Sunday noon ? Then why the hell is our Oon being a grumpy cat at every thing that passes through his way .

Let me guess ......................

The hazers with their respective boyfriends were out on a very beautiful Sunday noon . And it a kinda sucks when you are the only one alone among them , where you have no one to hold hand together , no one to pester upon and basically when you don't have your Kongpob with you it definitely sucks right ? That's what exactly is happening with him right now . It's the very beginning of their vacation and you are left alone with a bunch of people who have no shame in rubbing on his face that he misses his boyfriend .

And when you take the case of the rest of the people , they are actually having fun , where they can finally see their bestfriend being all pouty thinking about the same boyfriend whom he tries to fake up irritation and angry when the said person would shower him up with all the cheesy talks and cares .

It was the final semester for the hazers and so does their juniors slash boyfriends are in their third year where they will be super busy and in between these fuzzy stuffs they got a very little time to relax and now they were all enjoying except one .

Kongpob has been dragged home , by his sisters for a family vacation on a sudden plans and it kind a spoiled someone's only chance to be with his boyfriend for a whole vacation .

Now , walking through the mall Wad elbowed Prem to show towards his grumpy senior who was having a very cute sad face . Though they knew it was a very bad Idea to bring their friend with them but they didn't want him to be left alone .

According to what Aim has informed them it was almost a week Arthit didn't get any call or text after four days of constant messing and chats and the last one was practically a photo of a family lunch which didn't set well because he said Kongpob smiled too widely at someone and that someone was too close to him making him in the blacklist of the head hazer .

Prem sighed before going back to his friend and putting an arm into his shoulders to console him , but he found the latter to stare upon something too seriously . Nada it's someone wait a minute it's not any someone but ,

It was Kongpob .

And the more irritating thing that caught their attention was that he was with the same boy who just unknowingly made himself hated by Arthit which was a really not good sign .

Arthit POV

Just thank my luck that it's just decided to abandon me out of nowhere . And what the hell . I would admit it but never say aloud , though that I miss him and to the core , ( Sigh ) and on top that these people have taken the chance just to make it more horrible . Ayishh........ Although I just continued to be mean to him , he always cared like I just hung the moon up there . And now , I just miss his touch , his talks all in all I miss him in one piece . Just as I had so difficulty prepared some plans with him , it all went in vain . Though he messaged me then and now with many pictures of this and that , still it was like we had distance between us . He also informed that how his whole family had landed surprisingly together and it was worth it , which ofcourse did effect something in me . The photo of the huge family dinner and how he found a creepy looking boy next to him and scanning previous photos sure , there he was in all . ( It hurts something inside ) . Why he had to smile so nicely to everyone ? He can smile to anyone dumbo ( said my mind ) , why can't he be with me ( pouts ) , I need his hugs 😾 .

Third POV

Of course Arthit's brain had to work in different options on what the hell was happening . And for his bad luck it didn't give any positive responses . Crushing the Pink Milk container , he stormed towards his boyfriend . While the rest of his friends and juniors stood rooted to their places without realising the situation .

The older boy reached out for the younger boy to a bone breaking hug . While on the other side Kong did not guess that the reunion with his P' will be this tight that he had to struggle to breath . Breaking the hug , he glared at the new face and the poor felt a shiver went down through his spine . Kong pinched his sides while seeing the elder glaring . Hissing down , he faced Kong only to notice bandages on his hands and knees and scratches on his faces .

Kong felt his boyfriend's soft finger tracing the scars as he tried not to flinch . As he pulled the boy to a near by seat to examine the wounds and almost scolding him being careless and not trying to contact him sooner and how tensed he was and how much he missed him . His rambling spilled out secrets and not only that he didn't not notice that he had many more audience including the Mrs Suthiluck and Kong's sisters too who were busy cooing the scene .

The elders took the group to a grand feast and sure enough that Mrs Suthiluck made sure that the boys went back with lots of gifts . At the darkness of their condo , when two bodies laid entangled , the older boy made sure that he didn't hurt the other throughout their reunion makeout sessions . He slept peacefully at the youngers chest as after a few sleepless nights .

Sure they had much more to talk about things later.

Series' BL One Shots !!!!!! Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang