The Destiny ( apart ) 2

406 9 1

Third POV

He was busy braiding one of  his daughter's hair , when the other was siping the juice he had prepared .

Dada , sing a song na ?


Good one dada , but didn't not get it .

The boy just removed the band from his mouth and spoke again .

It's almost time for your school and you want to hear a song . Your teacher and grandma will kill me .

It's the fifth time in three weeks , grandma would just scold lightly and about teacher you just have to smile nicely . She likes a lot .  Said his baby girl .

Tia , we have talk about this before and we are running late . So just make sure you guys have everything .

The both girls pouted , and nodded . The trio almost ran to their destinations . Of course the twins were late and Tharn had flashed his famous smile after he got a pointed looks from the twins  and the said teacher shyly blushed and let the kids inside .

The white complexioned boy walked into the office flashing his apologetic smile and went into his cabin .

Ai'Tharn .........

Yes Mae

You are late again .

Sorry Mae , Alexa was practically hauling while bathing and it took like hours to get her done with the shower  .

How long does this this have to go like this Tharn . It's been years and how long are you going to be a single dad of two . You know there will be time when the girls will need a mother to support . You have to move on dear .

We have talked about it Mae and no it's not gonna happen .

Before they could continue their argument , they were visited by a young , beautiful lady Reya . A physiotherapist and their family and she was having a full loaded crush on Tharn which his mother and brother P'Thorn knew . And they always made sure to leave them into their own bubble alone but Tharn never showed any positive responses .

Reya and Tharn were invited for  a party for the week and Tharn was one of the chief guest as he was listed among the richest business man of the year  . And Reya as always was pretty excited for the party .

Tharn's POV

Pretty much better life . Can anyone believe that each day I live like hell . Years before ,  a single day changed my whole life . I still remember waking up with pains all over my body and it hurted like hell when I only found my two babies in Mae and P'Rin's  ( Thorn's wife ) hand . When I asked about Type , they all looked at me in pity . Those looks killed me deep inside that still today I could see in their faces . All Mae said was , doctors couldn't save him and nor his father allowed them to see him . Even they didn't wanted to see the babies .

I still couldn't figure out where I was wrong . What more do I had to do to please or convince Type's dad . From day one he just treated me like I didn't play an important role in Type's life . Even though how much foul mouthed was Type as per people , I still found him to be more special in all ways . Whatever I do was never enough to get in Type's dad's good books .

I didn't even get enough time to cry aloud as my live was filled with two other guests . It wasn't easy in the beginning . I was a disaster.  And everything around me was disastrous . But soon with the Thanya ,  P'Rin and Mae everything came under control ; Slowly , very slowly . The girls knew they were special . Type being a man was their other parent , being able to give birth . They truly didn't understand the meaning but yah I didn't want them to know any other back story . They thought it was usual and I didn't correct them . And they were the right hand for mom to help me 'move on' as per their mission .

My parents being parents had tried to push me towards the 'move-on' stage , but whenever I see my girls , they reminds me of him . And I also know that I could never move on too .

Then came Reya . She was my cousin and also a very helpful friend . The girls liked her too . She used to be my patner in shopping and sometimes the only person who could tame my girls . Alexa was a female version of Type . The hot tempered one and difficult to control . But Tia was complete me according to my family .

And currently here I'm walking around the mall with a bunch of shopping bags and tailing behind her . The three girls were having my patience little by little . They have went through each and every shops and still isn't satisfied . I don't know what these girls are even trying to get . And why is this party seems to be so important ?

Reya was all going on and on about this party and the her long lost friends who would visit and also how I have to even present a speech being one of the CEO's who have been awarded this year . She selected a new suite and matching things for it and I practically had to whine for returning back .


The day was completely disastrous as it was heavily pouring down since three days and and today was the day for the party . I was all set to go back to sleep when Alexa came to my room actually bursting it out , her hands on hips and a funny glaring look . This lady . Sometimes I really feel like she is my mother . I grumbled a fine  and walked to the dresser . And walked towards a future boring and gossiping bunch of people . Urgh!!!!!!

Third POV

Type walked out the airport , all set for a holiday . Away from his nightmares and stress . He straight from the airport went to Techno's home . Obviously the little fellow was all over moon to see his Prince charming . He informed Techno about the invitation to the party and also about a few days stay at the place . All he got was an unsure nod . Shaking it off he went to the room shown by Techno's wife to get freshen and dressed up .


The venue was set up in an illusionistic way . There were children all around and more importantly they were specially abled children . They were in their own world where people were busy taking care of them and also there were many gifts , chocolates , a small play section within the area . As thunderous was the situation outside , it was more peaceful inside . The stage was setup . Guests were involved in small talks . And everything was falling in place in order .

Alexa and Tia ran to the children as soon as they stepped in the venue . They were easy mingling kids and so were adorable to be cooed . Tharn and Reya went to the crowd to mark their presence .

On the other side Techno and Type came in with Elan . As the boy ran towards the children , he bumped  on a boy and fell on his bum . As he was looking at the boy who he just crashed with he was welcomed by a small hand ; Tia . She helped him to standup and pulled him to play with them .

Soon the attention of the people were taken towards the kids who were on the stage . They were the hosts , and was practically addressing the gathering when Type saw a beautiful little girl playing with Elan . She had those eyes of Tharn . The same eyes that always facinated him . He went towards the kids . He sat down at the level of the kids so that he can look at her clearly . When Tia looked at the new comer , she was paled . She was on the verge of passing out .

It was same face , that the little girl has seen in the photos in her dad's room . The same face that her dad cried out at nights . The face that she had wished to see so many times , when her classmates used to talk about their mothers . But now it terrified her . Her dad once had said to her that he was with angels and never gonna come back . But here he was . She ran to her dad , who was in stage with the some uncles who have dressed like her dad . Seeing her face , Tharn scooped her into his arms and she just mumbled something and pointed towards someone before crying on his shoulders .

Tharn just saw a vague figure being pulled out by Techno ? But he knew that face . He hurriedly went back to home with the three not knowing what the heck just happened .

Series' BL One Shots !!!!!! Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora