Chapter 8- Kept In The Dark

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Y/N p.o.v

The one who was in the detention centre before me, Aura, was apparently Blackquill's sister.
In short, she is the 'tech girl' of the space centre and she took control of it, together with hostages.

She demanded a trial immediately for what happened 7 years ago, the UR-1 incident. But not this is not a re-trial for her brother. It was Athena Cykes'.

This is what Mr. Wright quickly managed to tell me on the phone. He had only an hour to prepare, after all. Or his daughter would be hurt.

I better go on my way, too. The courthouse is quite the walk from here.

Since this trial is so rushed, there's no need to sign up to be in the gallery.
I'll just sit there and observe the trial.
Better then sitting worried at home.


I eventually arrived at the courthouse, fifteen minutes before the trial begins.
Not a lot of people were fond of being in the ruins of an exploded courtroom, so I only has to wait a few minutes before I reached the desk.

"Name and ID?"
A very board and tired secretary asked.

"Y/N L/N."
I said, handing her my ID.

She was about to write my name down, but then blinked a few times, as she was trying to remember something.
Then she looked at another piece of crumpled paper.

"Uh, sorry, Ms. L/N. I was specifically requested by someone who's involved in this to not let you on jurry duty."

Simon is very serious about keeping me in the dark...
It's not like I can complain now, there's no time and there's people behind me.

"A-Alrighty then... could you at least call me when they're in the lobby, please?"
I need to know what happens.
I need to see him.
If he is not guilty, we'll celebrate.
If he's guilty, I'll have an actual, one last talk with him, alone.

But I trust Mr. Wright to find the real culprit. The PHANTOM. And to find the truth behind this ordeal.

"Sure, whatever."
The secretary wrote my number down.
I thanked her and left.

Dammit, Blackquill...
Why are you so... you?
Why are you always trying to shield me from the truth...?

I suppose I will be sitting worried at home today, after all...
I better find a distraction.
I'd probably die from thinking about how I don't know what's going on in court.

Maybe I'll bake something? For everyone.
Tiny-cupcakes. Yea, that's a good idea.

Come on, Mr. Wright. You've found the true culprits countless of times. I know you'd be able to do it once more, and cut through Blackquill's lies.

Why is Simon saying that he was the murderer? Has he thought about it for so long he is already convinced himself?
Or is he covering for someone?

He knows that the Phantom is the true criminal, and I doubt he is covering for him. Maybe Simon witnessed something terrible? Something which made him lie to hide the truth...?

N-No, don't think about it. It'll make you even more worried. Just trust Mr. Wright.

I don't bake a lot, but when I do, I only know how to make one thing- cupcakes.
I usually make them really tiny, because in my opinion, the standard-size is too big, and it's hard to eat without making a huge mess.

Just when I finished sprinkling the last one, I got the call.
There's a recess.

I quickly grabbed my bag and ran as fast as I could. I NEED to ask Mr. Wright about how the case is going.

I saw a shadow above me. Taka!
I saw the hawk speeding to the courthouse in the distance, entering through the broken roof.

I arrived almost breathless to the lobby, just to hear the loud sound of metal chains hitting the floor.

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