promising a lifetime

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"you kneeled down in front of me
telling me i'm all you need.
promising me different things when i accepted you,
promising me a lifetime with you.
but isn't it too soon?
isn't it too soon to assume?"


Dear Xavion,


the moment i saw you⎯ i knew that it was you. jk.

the moment you kneeled down in front of me while we were at the park? my heart almost burst as i felt an entire zoo in the pit of my stomach.

i don't know why you thought of asking me out right there at the park while we were supposed to be shooting for our group project, but it was so romantic, who am i to complain? Hahaha

when i answered you "yes, i like you too," you immediately hugged me in delight.

i don't really know what i'm feeling right now! I can't explain my freaking feelings omg, what are you doing to me ?!?

you also promised me lots of things lol.

like how you'll make me happy during my sad days,

that you can be my sunlight after the storm,

that you can be the home that i can go to after a messed up day,

that we'll be with each other in this lifetime.

as a victim of broken promises, i think it's too soon to assume that we'll be together for our whole lifetime, but i am hoping.

so rather than promising to you, i'm just going to show you everything that i want to do.

I'll be your home, your sunshine, your rest.

I like you so much, Xavion. And soon, I'll be ready to tell you that "I love you too."

- sincerely yours, Celestia.
✧ 08-08-2020

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