Ending 1, it wasnt ment to be

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Tw: in this chapter it contains su!c!de and talks of ab*s* and also strong language if any of that upsets you please do not read this chapter I don't want to upset anyone

Song: black out days (slowed)

Y/n's pov:


That's all I feel

I smile all the time and wear cute things

But really deep down

I'm a horrible person

My dad made me realise that.

I love the stars

They are my only friends

If I had one last wish

It would be to watch them.

I love the smell of the earth when it rains

So here I am.

In the rain and under the stars.

I'm finally happy

"Y/n get down please!" Mina yelled at the door
To the roof.

"Angel please get down" izuku begged I couldn't tell if it was the rain or tears poring down his face.

"Oi n/n please.... Come down. Remember we still need to move into a big house all together." Bakugo said to me

Another warning incase

"My dad used to hit me and tell me how much he hated me every day. He'd use anything he could find, I'd just take it, I deserved it. I was 8 only 8 I should've been outside playing. BUT NO I WAS BEING TOLD HOW NO ONE WANTED ME IN THIS WORLD. It's been almost 9 years and I still. I still can't get over it. I've tried to be happy for you all. I tried so hard. Tell Eri angel eyes had to return back home." I said smiling at them all.

"It just wasn't ment to be...." I said as they all sobbed and saw mr aizawa move towards me

Then I let myself fall backwards. I saw them all run to the edge and the scream of them as they realised they couldn't save me. No one could. I closed my eyes and enjoyed my last moments before feeling a thud and my vision turning to all black.

It was just never ment to be

Sorry it was a short ending I'm planning to split it into three then this series will be over :) please leave suggestions for the next ending

A/n: Georgie

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