Best Friends

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How Skye met Hover and got her leg scar
More 13+ next chapter but again be warned
The show has blood violence and gore

Time period; Episode 1 (she is younger than Nothing by a bit & Hover is older than them both)

Skye's POV

I was hunting as I usually do. I am a prideless cub living life on the stretch. A death sentence to be exact. My parents were murdered by a ruthless no mane and ever since I hated men, manes, no manes, just males. They are so weird anyways with their murdering ways.

Now you see I am a naturally good hunter. I taught myself and barley mess up. I like to stay around prides because of the food but again, death sentence either way. My eye was starting to twitch due to the scar I got a few weeks ago by a snake. Let's say that I may of killed it... Anyways I was just minding my own business until *BANG*

A no mane attacked me. I started running confused on why they were changing me as well. I climbed a tree and stayed there until he sat there and said

Then it hit me. He just became a mane in a pride I was trespassing. amazing luck. He didn't know I was prideless and I wasn't going to give up my life so out of instinct I leaped on him and got on his neck and yelled "IN THE NAME OF CANSU, ASRA, SUNCE, AND ORSAR YOU WILL REGRET THIS" . "Who is Ors-" he couldn't even finish when I jumped on him and bit hard. He started slashing and clawing in every which way due to the pain. It was just war. Blood was everywhere and we were going at it. He used his left paw and scratched in my leg really deep and I squealed in pain. I clawed and scratched him up until he was in to much pain and stopped. I used that as an opportunity to run away but fell when I stepped on my back leg. He never came back for me, then died of blood loss and the injuries I gave him a few days later.

I went back to the stretch scared for my life but stopped when I saw a grey like cub. They saw me as well and ran over to me. Then started to talk to me;

"Hey are you ok?" The unknown cub asked me.

"Well by the looks of it I wouldn't say so..." I let out a low laugh but still in pain.

"Well I'm Hover and I never seen any other cubs out here. I will say by your side until you feel better if that's ok with you." Hover said genuinely and you could see the hurt in her eyes.

"Well I would like that very much. My name is Skye by the way and thank you so much." I got up but stepped on my leg and once again fell down.

Hover noticed I couldn't walk properly and supported me and we went to a tree with shade. It was near some prides but still far enough into the stretch hint hint.

There was a Zebra in the distance and I was going to go get it until Hover stopped me and went herself. She hid in the grass and waited until she leaped, and missed. The Zebra ran my way so I tripped it with my claws and ripped it open so it can die due to open wounds.

"Woah that was amazing! When'd ya learn to pull that off?" Hover asked me actually surprised on my small trick.

"I taught myself how to hunt due to uhm.. stuff. But how did you even get near that Zebra? Those tracking skills are really impressive and it didn't even hear you!" I answered her wondering if we could be friends but shook that thought away after she answered.

"Well I taught my self to track," she said sarcastically "and maybe we could teach each other?" Her voice starting to mumble near the end but I could still hear her due to my shapeshifting ways.

"Well that sounds perfectly fine! Well when my leg heals up. A no mane attacked me thinking I was a cub in a pride."

"Yeah tell me about it. Pride law sucks and it is just weird how everyone is dying over a stupid pride."

We both laughed and at that moment it clicked. We were made to be friends. More then friends but Best Friends till the end.

"Also Hover can I ask one more question?"

"Sure what is it?"

"Can we be ya know. Friends? Help each other on the harder side of Lion life."

"Of course! Thought you'd ask sooner," I gave her a playful/smug grin "but hey we'll make a great team!"

We both smiled at each other and decided to take a nap ready to face a new day forgetting about all troubles and everything.

Just happy that I have someone to love who won't leave me.

A/N; s o I realized a few things were wrong with the timeline so I had to edit it sorry ;-;

Yes I proofread 😌✋ I know don't clap

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