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13+ series warning
If you are watching it know violence is involved

TW's; Sudden Gore, Abuse, Ableism, Mini Anxiety attack
Thanks for being here ^^

A/N; Re-designing her in a few days so the 1st chapter will be gone

Time Period; Where we left off

Skye's POV

It all happened so fast. Quickmane spawned out of no where and I had a mini panic attack and hid. Feather tried to call out for me but Nothing stopped him so I won't get in trouble. The whole Pride was here and Ghost didn't have a chance against them. He eventually fled and I stayed to watch the scene happening in front of me. Waterhunter took Feather and his siblings and I couldn't even believe what I saw.

No One's POV

After Waterhunter left, Quickmane turned to Nothing and started to yell. Skye tried her best to stay cool and not flee or else everyone will see her. It was a very sad sight to see.

Quickmane; "How. Dare. You."

Nothing; "I'm sorry..." she was scared. Her voice was quiet and she made no eye contact

Quickmane; "You're sorry!? You left my cubs alone, you took my son beyond the safety of the Sister Steppe, while knowing no-manes where in the area!" He sounded like his eyes were blood red. Ready to kill at any second

Nothing; "That wasn't a no-mane. I don't know what it was Fire told me-" after she realized what she said her face was full of fear

Quickmane; "You're BROTHER WAS HERE."

Nothing; "No I-I..."

Quickmane; "Do Not, lie to your mane, Nothing."

Nothing; "Fire just stopped to visit, a-and Feather insisted on coming but he wasn't in any danger I promise-" at that moment Quickmane took is claws and scratched Nothing across the top of her eye giving her two scratch marks bleeding.

Quickmane; "I don't know why the goddesses have punished us with you. But it ends now!"

Skye couldn't take it anymore. When Quickmane tried to strike again he hit Skye instead on her back. After he opened his eyes to reveals the white lionesses. The time felt like it slowed down in that moment but everyone ignored that. Oh only if they knew...

Skye; "Don't you DARE LAY ANOTHER PAW ON HER!" She growled and yelled at Quickmane who was fast to get defensive.

"I'm not scared of you anymore so fight me if you wish."

Quickmane; "Move out of the way prideless."

He was about to strike until she dodged it and scratched him on his cheek accidentally. That was a big mistake. He took his paw and slapped her so hard she fell to the ground and started bleeding from her left side.

It hurt like shi- crap :"(

Or at least that's what she thought. She wasn't going to give up now. She was going to protect her friend until the end. She got back up but stood next to Nothing instead still on edge and ready to pounce any second.

!!Discontinued!! Lions and Wolves [] My Pride AUWhere stories live. Discover now