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13+ series warning
If you are watching it know violence is involved

TW's; Starvation, Jump Scares, Brief Gore, Abandonment
Thanks for being here ^^

Time Period; Start of episode

Nothing's POV

We lost Fire's trail after the first night in the rain. The three of us have been lost on the prideless stretch ever since.

Skye's POV

We found a dead Zebra which were probably leftovers from the vultures. Both me and Nothing let Feather have it because he needed it more. There was a bird nearby and Nothing successfully caught it.

Feather; "Thank you Nothing! I'm starving!"
She accidentally growled at him in hunger and he backed up a bit scared. She came back to her senses a few seconds later

Nothing; "I-I'm sorry... you can have it."

Feather; "Are you sure?"

Skye; "You need it more than we do."

Skye's POV

Feather began to eat and I spotted another bird in the distance. I snuck up to it and caught it in one try.

Skye; "Nothing come here! I have a bit of food for us."
Nothing then slowly walked over to where I was to see the bird

Nothing; "Well. Why aren't you eating it?"

Skye; "I wanted to split it so we both have some energy."
I then used my claws and made a mark on the neck. I cut the base of it and gave the whole body to Nothing

Nothing; "Skye!? This is way to much for me! What about you..."

Skye; "I'll be fine with this. I've learned how to not feel as bad when starved when I am on the stretch. It's a good skill to learn."

Nothing; "Well... thank you."

Skye; "No problem! Just trying to help a friend."

We both ate our parts and I kept staring at her. I feel a weird sensation around her for some reason... strange feelings.. I haven't felt like this since me and Hover "bullied" that one pride... eh I will be fine...

We all started to walk again not sure where we're going

Nothing's POV

'Being alone on the stretch is hard enough... but having a cub and another lion... is way to much.

Feather fell on the ground and I went to pick him up until Skye motioned her head telling me she'll do it. She takes great care of us both and we both wish we could do more for her...

TIMESKIP to night

I think about Hover a lot... if she ever stayed in Pride, if she ever meant what she said to Skye, if I'll ever see her again...

Skye has been thinking those exact questions as well. She told me about how much she is stressing just to clear her mind. I feel so bad.

!!Discontinued!! Lions and Wolves [] My Pride AUNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ