For The Peace Treaty

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On today's episode of "Ben gets caught in the middle of preventing a war" /lh


Third Person's P.O.V.

Age: 27

At the moment, things were not looking good. Things didn't sound too good either. The leaders of the Lamnai and Zesta aliens who were arguing in the Plumbers' conference room provided enough evidence to support that. Heck, their shouting match could be heard from three floors in each direction. It was bad. Really bad.

As such, Ben was sitting rather uncomfortably in the viewing area of the conference room. He was hunched over with his head in his hands. Right leg bouncing up and down furiously as a means to calm himself. It wasn't working. Not one bit. In fact, the speed of the action only increased as the yelling got more and more heated. Ben would burn a hole through the floor at the rate he was going.

Before that could even possibly happen, the quarreling came to an abrupt halt. At the sudden silence, Ben perked up and peered into the conference room. He almost immediately looked away as he found both alien leaders glancing his way. Ben looked back once he felt that all five eyes were off of him.

From what he could see, the Zesta and Lamnai leaders were having a much calmer and more civilized discussion. Ben rose a brow as he continued watching. That was odd to put it mildly. The leaders had been going for each other's throats the entire time they've been in the conference room. Even longer than that considering that the Lamnai and Zesta aliens are on the brink of a full-blown war. With Earth caught up in the middle of it.

That was the reason for this conference in the first place. The planet Ben calls home is equal distance between Zestania and Lamnairok, the home planets of the Zesta and Lamnai people respectively. If the alien species went to war, Earth would literally be in the middle of a warzone. That's bad for a myriad of reasons. Hence, the peace conference that was not going well until a few moments ago.


Ben didn't get to dwell on that thought as the door to the viewing area slid open. He glanced back to see who entered and was met with the sight of his Grandpa Max in the doorway. The brunette didn't get to say a word as Max told him he was wanted in the conference room. Alone. Ben nervously swallowed but promptly followed his Grandpa out of the room.

"Greetings Ben Tennyson," the Zesta leader said as soon Ben entered the room, "I wish we could've met under better circumstances."

"I too wish the circumstances of our first meeting were more desirable," the Lamnai leader stated.

"It's quite alright..." Ben trailed off, gesturing for the leaders to introduce themselves.

"Oh, right!" The Lamnai leader exclaimed, "Introductions. I'm Lalia, leader of the Lamnai people."

"And I'm Citronious, crowned ruler of Zestania."

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you both regardless of the circumstances," Ben said.

Lalia and Citronious nodded in acknowledgement.

"I assume you want to know why we called for you?" Lalia inquired.

"Yes I do," Ben answered.

"We have decided to set aside our differences and sign a peace treaty," Citronious stated, "But for us to sign it, we have one very important condition that must be met and it involves you," Citronious stated.

Ben visibly gulped but managed to ask, "Wh-what's the condition?"

"We want you to perform a ballet variation for us privately," Lalia explained.

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