Granting Wishes

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No long intro note today. Proceed


Third Person's P.O.V.

Age: 40

Ben likes helping people. It might not always seem that way, but he truly does. He has his moments of selfishness, as do all beings every now and then, but he still enjoys helping others in whatever way he can. Even in those dire situations where the odds are stacked against him. Ben will drop whatever he's doing and rush to the rescue. It's for that very reason that Ben accepted this particular request.

Granting a wish for a Make-A-Wish kid.

This isn't the first time he's been contacted by the organization to grant a wish though. In fact, Ben has granted thirty two wishes since he became a legal adult. All thirty two of those wishes were from children who wished to meet the wielder of the omnitrix. So when Ben met with them, they talked about his heroic acts over the years as well as his arsenal of aliens. Ben found each and every experience endearing and he was sure this one would be too but in an entirely different way. This wish was the first of its kind.

A three year old boy, Rory, wished to see Ben dance. Ben didn't hesitate to accept the request from that tidbit of information alone. It's common knowledge that he's passionate about ballet after all. He'd be a fool to pass up this opportunity. Not only for his own enjoyment but for the sake of Rory as well.

Now, Ben was waiting in the wings of a small theatre in Rory's hometown in Colorado. He was wearing a stark white tutu with pastel purple embellishments and matching tights. Ben also had a small crown secured to his head a donned a pair of white pointe shoes.

"Ready Mr. Tennyson?" Deniz, a Make-A-Wish worker, asked.

Ben nodded and Deniz left him backstage. The click of her heels echoed in the space for a few moments as she headed out to the seating area where Rory, as well as his parents, were. Soon, the lights turned off and the curtains were opened. Ben walked onstage and took his starting position. The music began almost immediately and he was off.

As per Rory's request, Ben was performing Dance of The Sugar Plum Fairy. As such, Ben danced in such a way that made him seem light. As if he were really fluttering across the stage like a fairy. Of course, his skill level came out in the piece as well. Ben has been dancing for just shy of three decades now and this variation is far from the easiest one out there. Yet, the piece was still considered very beautiful. Rory had good taste for a three year old.

Speaking of Rory, he was absolutely mesmerized the entire time Ben performed. The soft gleam in his bright blue eyes proudly displayed it. As the dance progressed, Rory leaned dangerously forward out of his seat much to his parents' dismay and hushed protests. He was really enjoying himself.

No sooner than the dance began, it came to its end. Ben gracefully struck his final pose and held it for a few moments as Rory, his parents and Deniz applauded him. He then took a bow and exited the stage. Once offstage, Ben took a few moments to collect himself as he waited for the house lights to come on. When they were on, he headed in the same direction Deniz had earlier.

Almost as soon as he stepped into the seating area, Ben was nearly knocked over as Rory clung tightly to his legs.

"T'ank you miz-ter Ben," the child said.

"You're welcome kiddo," Ben replied, ruffling Rory's hair.

Rory made a small contented sound and let go of Ben's legs only to latch back on almost immediately. Worry flashed across Ben's face but he quickly forced it down. He then gently leaned down to scoop Rory up and ensured he was secure in his hold before heading over to the boy's parents.

"I know you're excited but don't run off like that sweetie," Rory's mom said, "You know what could happen without your supports."

"Sorry," Rory muttered, reaching out to be taken into his mother's arms.

"Thanks for doing this," Rory's father said, "I've never seen him so happy."

"I'm glad he enjoyed himself," Ben replied with a small smile.

The 'while he's still able to' went unsaid as did many other things Ben wanted to say. It was for Rory's sake after all just as it was for the sake of the previous thirty two children he's granted wishes for.


I was originally gonna make this much darker than just the implication at the end but decided against it. I've put y'all through too much in this book already and we're nearing the heartbreaking end anyway. Here's the link to Dance of The Sugar Plum Fairy:

Have a good rest of your day/night!

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