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Oh my god! Okay, it's happening. Everybody stay calm. Everybody stay calm. Stay fucking calm! Everybody fucking calm down! /q /ref


Third Person's P.O.V.

Age: 22

"That's it for tonight," Estelle announced.

Ben flopped onto the floor almost immediately after that sentence left Estelle's lips. He was breathing heavily. As is expected after pointe focused classes like this one. It took Ben a few minutes to steady his breaths and stand up. Trekking over to his belongings in order to pack up.

Just as he slung his duffel bag over his shoulder, Estelle piped up.

"Uh... Ben?"

"Hmm?" Ben hummed as he slung his bag over his shoulder.

"You're done."

Ben raised a brow at Estelle quizzically. Of course he was done. The time for class literally just ended. Why was she restating that?

"Yeah I'm done, class is over...?" Ben said more like a question than a statement.

"No that's not what I meant," Estelle replied, "Wait here."

With that Estelle disappeared through the studio doors. Her light footsteps echoing down the hallway. Ben stared after his instructor in confusion. Awkwardly shifting from one foot to the other as he waited for her return. Thankfully, Estelle wasn't gone very long. When she did come back though, she had a box in her hand. It was covered in green wrapping paper and tied with a bow.

"Here," Estelle said as she held out the box to Ben.

He momentarily hesitated before sliding his bag off his shoulder. Letting it gently plop on the ground beside him before taking the wrapped box from Estelle. She watched him anxiously as he examined it in his hands.

"What's this?" Ben asked.

"Just open it!" Estelle exclaimed almost immediately.

Ben glanced between his instructor and the box a couple times before untying the bow. He then gripped the lid and looked towards Estelle once more. There was nervous excitement written all over her face. She gestured for Ben to open the lid and so he did.

Upon opening the lid, Ben was met with a face full of rainbow confetti. Most of it floated to the floor after hitting his face but some particularly stubborn bits embedded themselves in Ben's hair. Ben blinked a few times before looking back at Estelle.

"There's more to it," she said.

Ben raised a brow only for Estelle to hurriedly flap her hands at him. She was on the urge of bursting from her excitement. Ben fully opened the lid and cupped it under the box. He reached inside with his free hand and took out its contents. A semi-thick sheet of paper certificates and degrees are normally printed on.


"Flip it over," Estelle squeaked.

Ben didn't need to be told twice. He flipped over the sheet and gasped. Nearly dropping the paper in shock. His eyes wide as he read the words printed on it over and over again. After a short while, Ben looked back towards Estelle.

"No this isn't a trick," she started, "your ballet training is officially done!"

He's done? Ben is actually done with ballet training? He's mastered it? As in, he could now professionally pursue ballet if he wanted to? Ben personally doesn't see himself going down that path, but the option is there. The option was really there. But somehow, that didn't click with Ben.

"Earth to Twinkle Toes? You still with me buddy?"

Ben blinked a few times and lightly shook his head. Bringing himself out of his thoughts and back to the present. He didn't even realize that he had zoned out.

"So... how do you feel?" Estelle asked.

"It feels weird," Ben admitted.

"Yeah it's gonna feel like that for a while," Estelle said, "It took me a while to get over the fact I'd mastered my ballet training too. Don't even get me started on when I got my certificate in ballet teaching."

Ben could only absentmindedly nod his head in response as words failed him. He gave Estelle a hug before picking up his previously discarded bag. He bid his farewell to Estelle and left the studio right after. His head was reeling for the entire drive home. The whole ordeal didn't properly register with Ben until the front door fell shut behind him. A high-pitched squeal leaving his lips as his emotions finally caught up with him.


Yep, it's official! Ben is done with his ballet training!

Have a good rest of your day/night!

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