I Can Do Both

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This chapter was basically an excuse for me to use the video linked at the end 😅


Third Person's P.O.V.

Age: 25

Dress rehearsal is Ben's favourite part of preparing for the charity show. The costumes are never disappointing and they always manage to blow him away each year. Even the ones that don't have many flashy embellishments. It's the thought and care that goes into the design and construction of them that Ben really appreciates. He appreciates that even more when he's actually practicing in them. Which is what Ben's doing today.

Usually it's just him, Estelle and Lynx, the costume designer who is also Estelle's best friend, in the studio for dress rehearsals. This year's dress rehearsal would be different. Gwen and Kevin decided to stop by since they'll be off-planet for a mission and miss the charity show. Thus, making the trio a quintet.

"You done?" Lynx asked, "We don't have all day, darling."

"Yeah just give me a second!" Ben responded, adjusting his fedora before stepping out.

The brunette was immediately met with Kevin wolf-whistling. That was promptly followed by a loud smack on the Osmosian's arm by Gwen. Ben openly laughed at that while Estelle tried to hide her small chuckle.

"Give me a twirl," Lynx said.

Ben nodded and did a slow twirl. Allowing the costume to be observed from all angles. All the while, Lynx made a few jottings in their notebook as they had done for the previous two outfits.

"Everything fits accordingly?" Lynx asked once Ben finished his twirl.

"Yes, as always."

Lynx nodded and flipped to a new page in their notebook.

"So, what do you think?" Ben asked, turning to where Gwen and Kevin were seated.

"You look great," Gwen complimented, "What piece is this for?"

"Jazz," Estelle, Lynx and Ben answered in sync.

"Don't you normally where flashier things for your jazz dances though?" Kevin asked.

"This year is special," Ben stated.

"How so?" Gwen questioned.

"You'll see."

With that, Ben grabbed a spare chair and placed in the center of the dance floor. Sitting on it in his starting position afterwards. Lynx sat up a bit straighter and lightly tapped their notebook while a pen as the music began. It was "I'm Feeling Good" by Michael Bublé. A classic for jazz pieces.

Ben danced in tandem with the music. Each move was smooth and came off as effortless. As expected from him. However, there was a hint of something else coming out in the routine. The way in which Ben danced had a different feel to it. The piece seemed more masculine for lack of better word.

The execution of each move still had the brunette's typical underlying softness, but they also had a slightly sharper edge. Various jumps were landed just a bit harder. Spins weren't as extravagant but still displayed Ben's skill. Emphasis was put on parts of Ben's body that didn't usually standout. Even the flips carried a whole new, rougher energy. All of that combined made this jazz dance very unique. In a good way of course.

Soon enough, the music dwindled to its end. Ben striking his final pose with a smug smile. The position not exactly what it should be seeing as the stage in the theatre will be raised unlike the flat dance floor. Lynx scribbled away in their notebook as Ben stood up, fixing the chair before heading over to everybody.

"What?" he asked.

"We've never seen you dance like that before," Gwen said.

"Like what?"

"Like... like that!"

"She means we've never seen you dance like most dudes do," Kevin stated.

Ben blinked a few times before responding, "If that was oh so surprising, then you aren't ready for my contemporary piece."

It was Gwen and Kevin's turn to blink a few times. Their eyes widening as they processed Ben's statement. Ben and Estelle exchanged a look before he sauntered off to change into the costume for his contemporary piece. Lynx shook their head and asked,

"Did you really think that Benjamin couldn't do both?"


Here's the link to the jazz solo Ben performed. I think it speaks for itself:


Also, yes Lynx is nonbinary and uses they/them pronouns. I'm having way too much fun with the minor background characters, if you couldn't tell 😅

Have a good rest of your day/night!

Ballet Shoes: EncoreTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang