Tiny Dancers

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Cuteness incoming!


Third Person's P.O.V.

Age: 35

It was a rare day of peace in the Tennyson household. Ben didn't have much plumber business to handle and no bad guys seemed to be stirring up any major trouble. Kai didn't have any business to tend to in preparation for her next archaeological expedition in a month's time. Everything was already set up and the process went much smoother than normal. Kenny already finished his homework and didn't have school seeing as it was the weekend. Even Gwennie, the newest addition to the family, wasn't as fussy as she normally was. It was a nice change of pace.

As such, everyone was scattered about the house doing their own thing. Relishing in this uncommon tranquility that they were sure wouldn't last long. Kai was curled up on the sofa, mindlessly scrolling through social media and occasionally laughing at a funny video. Gwennie was sat on the floor by her mother playing with her favorite teddy. Well, she was slobbering on it more than playing with it but Gwennie was happy so Kai didn't reprimand her. Kenny was in his room putting the finishing touches on a picture in his colouring book and Ben was in the basement practicing ballet.

After about an hour of peace, a pair of feet padded down the hall and stopped in the living room archway. Kai looked up from her phone and spotted Kenny. He was glancing around the room like he was searching for something. Or perhaps someone.

"Where's daddy?" Kenny asked.

That question prompted Gwennie to chant, "Dada! Dada! Dada!"

"He's probably still dancing in the basement," Kai said, pocketing her phone and standing up, "You want to go see him?"


"Okay let's go," Kai said before picking Gwennie up.

Both children cheered at that. Though, Gwennie's cheer was more of a happy gargle. Kai smiled as she guided them to the basement door. Shifting Gwennie into a one-armed hold so she could open the door. As soon as it was open, Kenny ran between her legs and hurriedly ran down the stairs.

"Hey!" Kai shouted after him, "Slow down Mini Muffin."

"Sorry mama," Kenny said, slowing down and taking the steps one at a time.

Kai playfully rolled her eyes and followed after her three year old. Faint music getting slightly louder the closer she got to the studio. When Kai caught up to Kenny, he was jumping up and down with his hand on the doorknob. He was clearly very impatient.

"Go on," Kai said.

Kenny's eyes lit up and he twisted the doorknob. The faint music much clearer now that the door was open. The three of them then stepped inside and gazed upon Ben. He was in the middle of a series of turns when he came to an awkward stop. Nearly losing his balance in the process.

"That's not right," he muttered, picking up his phone and going to rewind the music.



Ben's ears perked up at that. He turned his head towards the door and smiled at the sight of his family.

"They wanted to see you," Kai said, setting Gwennie down.

As soon as her feet hit the floor, Gwennie wobbled her way over to Ben. Her small arms outstretched in order to be picked up by her dad. Kenny also ran over to Ben and latched onto his leg.

"Hey buddy," Ben said ruffling his son's hair.

Kenny giggled and playfully swatted Ben's hand away. Smoothing his hair back down the best that he could afterwards.

"Don't think I forgot about you princess," Ben said picking up Gwennie.

The toddler squealed in delight.

"When were you planning on coming up?" Kai asked, leaning on the doorframe.

"When I finish this dance," Ben replied.

Kai gave her husband a once over and pursed her lips. That wasn't going to happen. Ben would get carried away and be down here until tomorrow morning if no one stopped him.

"Oh c'mon that was one time," Ben said as if he read Kai's mind.

No it wasn't.

"We can help you finish it," Kenny offered, taking a few excited steps back, "Look! Just do this."

With that, Kenny started trying to copy the turns Ben was doing when they came in. He wasn't even close to getting it but he was clearly having fun. The big smile on his face as spun round and round was a indicative if that. Gwennie was enjoying her brother's antics as well. She giggled and clapped her hands together as he went on.

"Down Dada! Down!" she chanted.

Ben obliged and set his daughter down. Once firmly on the floor, Gwennie started spinning too. She didn't go nearly as fast as Kenny, but she giggled all the same. A huge smile spread across her face from cheek to cheek. It was adorable!

"Please tell me you're recording this," Ben said looking to his wife with a smile.

"Way ahead of you Baby Wolf," Kai responded, smiling brightly as she recorded her children dancing away.


Can y'all tell I have a soft spot for babies/young children? Kenny and Gwennie are just too cute! Here's the link to the dance Ben was working on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r480llRmSOw

Have a good rest of your day/night!

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