Chapter 11

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(*1st person POV, kenshin*)

There didn't seem to be any zombies and I wasn't talking so Yasu decided to strike up a conversation.

"What you said when you were talking about why you wanted to be a hero, I understand what you mean and you're used to it. But why atonement?" She asked curiously.

"Well, like I said before I'm used to it now. But the me back then wasn't. I suppose I want to find out why this happened and it'll sort of be like me telling my younger self that this was all worth it." I looked at her. "You know what I mean? It's okay if you don't understand. I barely understand it as well."

She looked at me and shook her head. "No, I kinda understand what you're talking about. It's a good goal."

"There seems to be a fucking zombie attacking us so if you could get rid of it for the other passengers that would be much appreciated." T.E.D.D said.

Me and Yasu both tightened our grips on our guns and stood up looking around. At the side of the bus there was a zombie pulling off the wooden planks trying to get in.

Yasu went over to it and shot it with her pistol. The bus kept driving and me and Yasu kept talking while we killed any zombies that got near.

Eventually we arrived at the new town. It didn't look bigger than the other one in fact it looked smaller but that was okay, we just needed perks and to see if there are any parts around here.

We got off the bus and looked around, we bought doors and figured out the power of this place was off so we split up. I went to the north side of the town and Yasu went to the south.

I bought the door of the first building I was near and a zombie was behind the door, I shot it with a revolver in the head and it died. I walked in and looked around the first floor and it didn't seem to have anything.

I went to the second floor and looked around. I found a perk machine that was off because there was no electricity. It was called 'PhD Flopper', I remember reading about it but I can't remember what it does. I continue looking around the floor only finding a gun that I could buy from the wall but I already have it.

I went outside the building and pulled out my knife and marked the door with an 'X' so I could know that there was something of value in there.

I continued exploring, not finding anything except guns on the walls that I already had and zombies that needed to be killed. It wasn't until the fifth house that I found something it was a part.

Well it wasn't exactly a part, it was a pod, a purple one. The highest tier pod, that gives the best rewards if I'm lucky. It seems that I am lucky I got a 'margwa tentacle', something used to build something else. I don't know what, it's probably in the notebook.

After that I carried it around my waist on my hero costume. Yeah me and Yasu had our hero costumes on. We were allowed to take them home but if UA discovered that the students were using them to impersonate heroes then we would get a suspension and the school would hold onto our costume.

After that there were no more houses so I went back to Yasu's. It seems she was done as well as she was walking back towards me.

"Did you find anything?"

She nodded. "Yeah, I found a perk, a part and the electricity."

"I only found a perk and a part." I held out the tentacle and she stepped back in disgust. I don't blame her. "What part did you find?"

Yasu took out some plant thing in a pot I assume she put it in. "I don't know what it's called or what it is, but it should be useful In the future." It had pink petals and long green leaves. "What perk did you find? I found stamin-Up."

The Apocalypse hero (bnha x Call of duty zombies)Where stories live. Discover now