Vol. 3 Chapter 18 - Besiege

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——Northern Territories Of Pluvimia Airspace——

Several Flights of F-4E Phantom II Fighter-bombers fly at low-altitudes within the territory of Northern Pluvimia, assigned to bomb strategic points of interest and concentrations of Anti-Alliance Armies (the given term to the forces that oppose the reality of the UKP becoming allied with the Directorate, and rapidly becoming a dependent state.) Each Phantom is armed with 18 1000 lb Guided-Bombs. Developed by the DRD, its blast yield was equivalent to a Tallboy Bomb.

"Keep your eyes peeled boys... Make sure to have photographic memory of our targets."

"Copy that, Nam-1."


One of the targets nearby the borders was a hardened fully-fledged military training and defensive Site, with little to no disturbance in-order for peak efficiency. Thus no brothels, prisoners, civilians, or persons of interest etc... Perfect for annihilation.

"Will you just stand here, and let those dishonourable bastards take over the United Kingdom!?"


"Will you let them strip away all of our achievements and our rightful place!?


"Then let us, stand strong in their faces, show them that you shall never look down upon a superpower's might, and retake glory!"

"Glory to Pluvimia!"

Suddenly the speech and army strengthening were cut off by the distinct and rapidly increasing sound of the F-4 Jet Engines.

"What in the-...?" The commander said, as he began to look up into the sky and see Five Objects rapidly closing distance.

"Dammit! Send out all the wyverns, send those heretics to the Underworld!"


"Bombs away." The leader uttered through the comms, as the three of the fighter-Bombs spread out and Drop their payload onto the site, in a manner similar to that of saturation bombing.

"Aerial combatants steadily approaching, Fence-in."

The F-4's Overtake The wyvern formation. "Break!" And quickly manoeuvred after creating a large distance between them, And trained their Vulcan Rotary Cannons at the formation.

"Brrrrrrt..." one of the pilot's uttered before, all of them Opened fire on the formation, 20mm rounds shredding through the wyverns. All of their carcasses dropping like flies.

"Alright, We're clean. RTB"

Several strategic points were bombed, and Agricultural sites were decimated. This was something Matthew was initially but overall he decided that it was required, Nationalism can lead to even the most extreme of measures, and Matthew decided to cut this unimportant war short to focus on Reichia.

A revolt, Supply scarcity, and Tactical disadvantages are the most likely outcomes of this strike. The south were also the ones being supplied by the north, as they were ironically more economically prosperous 'by comparison', but after this, their resources are beginning to decline. And as for the imperial front

—~~—Reichian Empire—~~

Several Type 74 Tanks equipped with Search-lights tread across the Terrain of the empire, they were getting dangerously close to the capital region, thus the terrain has been less grass but more stone, dirt, and sand. The Empire desperately continued to send wave after wave of Foot soldiers only for them to encounter a hail of bullets from the Tank's secondary Armaments, or The Infantry Of the Directorate.

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