Vol. 4 Chapter 10 - Undetected

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Coen stepped out of his carriage and stared at the monumental temple just at the distance, far enough to be easily misinterpreted as nothing too significant. In reality it was massive. The sanceryans have a thing for monumentality.

In all honesty he shouldn't be as surprised as Sancerya and much of the afral desert is known to bear monuments, temples, shrines and structures of varying magnitude, but this one was still significant.

Especially considering this place would be the key in avenging someone who has likely been killed after the empire's fall.

He looked back to see a mix of Reichian and Urestanese soldiers who had been assigned to escort him. All toiling around the small city that surrounded the Temple, Which was of course populated. Fortunately not much resistance was done as the citizens were basically weak-willed and broken by this point, at-least he has enough men to go inside.

"Alright then, let's go, Ms. Colette." Coen said to the Urestanese Elite escorting him.

"Not yet." Colette said. "I'm still trying to contact the nearest outpost by manacomm, I can't seem to."

"You are aware the specified items are within the confines of this temple right? Probably the reason is some sort of disruption on mana. Likely the reason why this city is usually contacted by messenger instead of by manacomm."

"That doesn't make any sense... My mana supply is still intact and our manacomms are much more advanced than those used in Sancerya. Something is wrong."

"...Anything is likely, but I must put this bluntly... Screw the paranoia and focus on the necessary endeavour at hand." Coen said before walking towards the temple's steps.


—Area 25 kilometres adjacent to the Temple—

Matthew stared through his Binoculars as he stood atop a large and abandoned desert monument. He focused his view on the specified temple city, before he lowered them. The Location was a walled city, roughly circular in pattern, roughly 5 kilometres in total diameter.

With the temple, resembling a pyramid with large monumental additions, located its its centre. Which is also surrounded by a visibly rectangular moat, with a few decorations such as palm trees, statues, and sculptures. A bridge starting off from a staircase before extending over the moat and continuing, leading towards the entrance of the temple.

The city has two walls. One that is roughly 15 meters high. surrounds what can be assumed as the central area, and one that is roughly 10 meters high, that surrounds the Central Wall, visibly protecting less spiritually important buildings, such as military installations. Various buildings litter both the interior and exterior, many of the tallest in size extending no more than 30 meters.

'That's The specified location, correct?' Matthew thought.

'Yep.' Aurora telepathically responded through the cube in his inventory.

Matthew soon magnified the sight through the binoculars and saw several non-sanceryan equipment lying outside and inside the Temple Community. He recalled the information reported by the Border Separation Forces, Imperial Remnants followed by Urestanese Forces seem to be heavily securing the city.

That wasn't a good sign considering the existence of the artifacts within the temple, and with Reichia's disregard for religion especially of foreign origin, they most likely stepped into their grounds.

Their forces could potentially be overwhelmed should they gain access to those artifacts, the last thing they need is a morale boost for the Enemy.

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