Chapter 2: Questions

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Athena Rodriguez

After my Aunt left my room I turned on some music and fell on my bed, after turning on my music I started thinking about what the trip is gonna be like.

My mom walked in my room and interrupted my thoughts

"yes?" I ask while taking out my ear puds.

"Go start the car and turn on some music me you, and your aunt are gonna go to Sommer's house and tell her about the trip"

"Do I really have to go? I don't wanna see Jake right now I'm already annoyed that he is coming with us." I reply standing up from my bed

"Yes you do, and why do you hate Jake so much you two grew up together what happened?" my mom ask's

"Me and him just like drifted away, I mean I talk too him a little bit on snap but that's it.  He's really annoying and he's like obsessed with me so I'm okay with not talking to him"

"Well on this trip your'e gonna talk to him more,  And spend time with him if you don't your grounded" my mom says

"Mama why?" I whine

"Because you and him were like best friends for a long time I don't know what the fuck happened between you too but you need to fix it, and fix it with those kids Mason and Anthony. All three of you guys were like inseparable. Athena I mean it Fix it. "My mom says while walking to the car

I curse under my breath in Spanish while I get into the Car.

My dad taught me how to speak it because he was Mexican, but my mom never learned so whenever I speak it she gets mad because she cant understand it. My dad never taught her while they were together, they got in divorce when I was 14 and am 19 now.

I still haven't talked to my dad sense the court date, the day my life fell apart. 

All three of us got in the car to go to Sommer's house, Sommer was having us over for dinner sense we had big news for her and Jake.

When we got to there huge house I walked in and my eyes went straight to the food, all I wanted was the food I could care less for anybody or anything else. But Jake had to ruin it and step in front of me and say hi.

"What's up? How are you?" Jake asks while he puts his arms around me.

I hug him and he seems to get comfortable in the hug.

Pulling back from the hug and ask
"I've been good, how have you been?"

Me and Jake walk to the kitchen where the food is

"I've been good" he says as he gets himself a water

When my eyes meet the food I muter under my breath "oh my god this looks so good "

"Thank you Athena" I hear a sweet and kind voice from behind me

It was Jake's mom Sommer

God I love her so much, she was like a second mother to me growing up

She's so kind, beautiful, she's like a angel from heaven. I have no idea how the hell Jake came out of her and is this big of an asshole

"Sommer this food looks so good what is it?" my Aunt ask's

"Thank you Bella, its Steak, Chicken, mash potatoes, green beans and corn" Sommer replys

"Athena!!" Jake yells from his room

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