Chapter 15: We Had A Deal

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This is the chapter where both my books will cross over, but don't worry I will explain.

Jakes Ramirez

I woke up to a bright light shining into my face

Groaning I flip to my right side, my eyes fluttered open as I see Athena's bed is empty

My eye brows fluttered in confusion

I quickly got up checking to see if she is in the bathroom

"Shit" she wasn't in there

Then there was a knock on the door, hoping it was Athena I walked over twisting the knob

Opening the heavy door I find my little brother in front of me with a bowl of fucking cereal

I titled my head in confusion on why he was here, "why are you here?"

"Mom, Aunt Bella, and Aunt Zoe got boring so I thought that I could hang out with you and Athena?"

I nodded my head opening the door wider for him to come in

"The problem is, you're only gonna be hanging out with me" I tried laughing off the terrible feeling in my stomach

God where are you Athena

I'm worried

"Why, you're boring. I wanted to hang out with Athena, where is she?" He asked hoping on to the bed

Mateos face went to a slight shade of pink

Back off little brother she's mine

"As you can see she's not here, dipshit" I said while flopping onto my bed

"Where is she asshole? Did you scare her away or some shit" he asked

"Something like that" I whispered

Mateo sighed clearly annoyed with me, "God why do you always ruin things with the best girls?"

I laughed, "What's that supposed to mean?"

"I mean that you ruined it with Athena like 5 years ago then with that random girl from your social studies class"

"No no we do not talk about her, but I didn't ruin things with Athena, I just- I just messed up" I confessed

"Mhm yeah whatever you say" he laughed

"Have you tried calling her?" He asked


"Well that's the first thing you should have done fucking dumb ass" he yelled

I picked up my phone, dialing her number, the number I've always known sense the third grade

With every ring my heart beat just gets even louder

Then there was nothing

"Fuck" I muttered under my breath

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