Chapter 8: Black Truck

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While riding around my neighborhood I had notice that there was a black truck following me, I ignored it hoping it would go away.

I kept listening to my music. After about 7 minutes I notice that the truck disappeared, as soon has I notice it was gone I pulled up to a curb to rest for a second but then not even a second later

I feel a hand over my mouth.

"Let me go!!" I started screaming and kicking.

I couldn't have believed that this was actually happening

I was about to get kidnapped

"Jake help me, Please anyone!!" Still screaming

"Oh you shush slut, as soon as I get you to my house I'm gonna fuck you and do so many more things, your gonna love it" The disgusting man said while another came over to grab me from the other man

"No No please I'm just 19 please no I'll do anything just let me go!!" I yell while I start to sob

I hope that Jake never left my house and that he could hear me.
"Please Help Jake please please Let Me go!!" I plead

"Shut up you whore!! " The other man yells at me while putting his hand over my mouth

I looked closely at the man's face.

It was the man from the ice cream shop

A second later I found my self falling to the ground while my head spins and my eyesight goes black.


God I can't get over her pretty face, she's perfect. I love everything about her, I'm always thinking about her and even the thought of her leaving or anything happening to her makes me sick to my stomach.

After kissing that pretty face of hers I went to go hang out with her mom and her Aunt for a second before I go back to the office.

"Hey Miss Fox how are you?" I ask

"Hey honey, I'm good how are you?" she asks

"I'm good thanks, I just wanted to come up here and come say hi before I go back to work. I better get going before Athena's dog kills me. he looks like he wants to murder me." I reply while laughing

"Well thank you, and yeah if I were you I would leave too. Hades is pretty scary." Miss Fox responds while giggling

"Yeah of course i'll see you later" I say while leaving Athena's house

As soon as I leave Athena's house I hear screaming of a girl. I looked over to where the sound was coming from and all i could hear was

"Let Me Go!! Someone Help Please!" the girls voice yells in the dissent

"Jake Help, Help Me Hades Someone Help Please!" As soon as I heard those words my heart sank, I knew exactly who it was.

"Shut Up You Whore" I hear, not even a milla second after the man said that I was in my car driving towards the noise

Then I pull up to a black truck, I then see 2 men carrying Athena into there car. Athena was passed out.

"Hey idiota, te estas metiendo con las personas equivocadas espero que lo sepas. " I yell at the men.

"Hey asshole maybe speak English, and there isn't anything happening over here mind your own business." One of the men reply's while getting up into my face

"Oh so you don't know who I am?" I ask while laughing " Does Ramirez seem familiar to you?"

When I said my last name the mans face immediately went white but then I notice that the other man dropped Athena into the back seat of the truck and started to undress her

"Hey Leave Her The Fuck Alone Y Asshole!" I start yelling at the man in the car

but he didn't stop

"Leave Her Alone!!" I yell while pulling out my gun and pointed it at the man trying to Rape Athena

I looked at the man's face. It was the man from the ice cream shop

Athena then woke up and started pushing and kicking the man trying to do disgusting things to her.

"Get The Fuck Off Of me" Athena yells while kicking the man out of the truck

When the man fell to the ground Athena started beating the living fuck out of him even though she was half naked and you could see the bruise marks of hands on her stomach and her neck they were dark purple and blue.

Remember when I told you she could punch like a grown man. She's taking all of her anger out on him, shes probably gonna kill him

The man then start fighting back. He punched her in the face knocking her over

"You slut, you really think you can just hit me then get away with it" he asks

I then try and help Athena but the other man grabbed me and put me in a head lock

"Get The Fuck Off Of me you dick" I yell at the man trying to get a breath

I then look over to Athena, the man was winning. He was beating the shit out of her

I tried yelling but I couldn't. He was to strong

You pussy, your in the mob and you can't even take a grown man in a fight.

How pathetic

I kick the man in the stomach and he loses his grin on me

I catch my breath and turn around to face the man

"Did you not hear me when I told you my last name? Oh now your fucked" I yell at him

I then punch him straight in the face. Making him fall backwards knocked out

"Damn you could only take one punch? Fucking pussy" I yell at him while standing over his unconscious body

I then look over to Athena and the man.

Athena got him on the ground. She's winning

"You Tried Raping Me you Fucking asshole!" Athena yells while punching the man

I run over to Athena while grabbing her waist to get her off of the man.

"Hey hey hey, baby look at me" I tell her while grabbing her face

She's looks at me with her gorgeous brown honey eyes

All you could see is pain and fear

"Use this" I tell her while handing her my gun

"point it at both of them." I start whispering "And shoot them, I promise you wont get caught"

She starts sobbing, she then stands up letting go of my grip

3 seconds later I find the 2 men that tried to kidnap Athena on the ground in a pool of blood.

as soon as Athena put the gun down she bursted into even more tears. Falling to her knees dropping the gun

Athena never cries so seeing her in this much pain tells me that she is seriously hurt .

"th-th-they they tried to Rape me" She's falls into my arms gripping my shirt

"I- I I was about to-to be kidnapped"

"Hey hey baby its okay your alright now, nothing is gonna happen" I say to her while hugging her

"Jake they, they took my clothes and touched me. They tried to Rape me"

"Thank you, I don't even wanna think about what would have happened if you weren't here." She thanks me while still sobbing

"I'll always be here okay "

"I promise"

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