Chapter 3: A Brave Women

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Athena Rodriguez

As were driving home I try listening to music on my headphone's but my mom and Aunt are way too loud, so I just gave up. As I take my earbud's out my Aunt ask's

"So, what did you and Jake do upstairs while we all talked?"

"We just played game on his ps4, and I golpeada su Culo" I response while laughing

"Athena stop speaking that damn Spanish and tell us what you guys did" my aunt yells

"I did tell you, but we just played call of duty and I whopped his ass" still laughing my aunt turns back around and talks to my mother.

When we pull up to the house I step out and immediately hit my vape, my mom know's I vape. She doesn't mind because she knows its mostly for my anxiety but I don't care what she thinks because she smokes, that's not any better for you.

My mom walks up to me and mutters "You better stop speaking that damn Spanish" while squeezing my cheeks, when she squeeze's my cheeks all of the smoke comes out and hits my mom in the face.

"Uhhh, What The fuck Athena!" My mom yells at me while I stand there laughing my ass off

"And just so you know I'm never gonna stop" I reply to my moms comment from earlier.

My mom and my aunt leave me outside and lets my dog out with me sense she knows that I'm gonna be outside for a while

"What's up my pretty boy, hows my baby Hades " I say while my not so baby dog comes over to me and says hi.

Iv'e had Hades sense he was a baby, he's 3 year old and is a Doberman when he stands on his back too legs he's as tall as me, and I'm pretty tall.

I then see a dark blue BMW pull up to the drive way while me and Hades are just hanging out, when I saw the car and didn't hesitate to pull out the knife that was in my back pocket. I grab Hades by his collar and pull him towards me.

"You better get your ass off of this property or I'm gonna send my dog, he's not very nice " I yell out to the BMW

"Athena, Calm your ass down it's just me " I hear a dark raspy voice

"Jake what the fuck, I was gonna send Hades to come and attack you, Jesus fuck Jake you scared the living fuck outta me. why the hell are you here? " I yell at him  while putting my knife back in my pocket.

"What's up Hades" Jake laughs while petting Hades "Athena you're the one with a huge ass dog that can murder me with just one fucking command and you have a god damn knife. I'm the one who should be scared."

He then walks over to where I am siting on my car.

"Whatever, What the fuck are you doing here? "

"I came to see you. and Hades but it seems like Hades does not wanna see me" I laugh at his comment

Hades is very and I mean very protective when it comes to me.

"Why me, I mean I understand Hades but why the fuck do you wanna see me?" I ask with confusion written all over my face

"Because" he reply's with a smirk on his face

"Jake I'm gonna punch you in your face and you know I can punch like a grown ass man. Tell me why you're here" I response while I get up off my car to go grab my car keys and put Hades inside Jake follows me inside but were only inside for less then 3 seconds.

"What I'm I not allowed to see you?" Jake ask's while we both wake out of the house

"I mean sure, but maybe next time text me so I don't send my dog after you." I say while I get into my Mustang

"Am I allowed in your car to or are you gonna send your attack dog after me?" He asks while putting his hands on top of my car and reaching his head in the car.

"Sure asshole " I reply starting my car

Jake laughs and I pull out of my drive way

"Where are you planning on taking us?" Jake ask's

"I was gonna get ice cream but then you came along and ruined my plan, so what do you wanna do?" I ask with a tired tone.

"We can go get ice cream I don't care" Jake says while rolling down the window

"Do you mind if I hit my vape in the car?" I ask while yawning

"yeah I don't mind, can I get a hit to?" He ask's me while he stares at me

"Fuck no, this shit is mine" I reply to his question

"Come on baby please." He begs

"Don't call me that" I reply to his  dumbass remark

"Alright whatever you say princess"

"Jake I'm gonna punch you in your throat"

He laughs and asks one more time "Come on let me get a hit"

"If I let you get a hit will you shut the fuck up?" I ask

"What did I tell you back at my house?" He response

"Jake I don't know what the hell did you tell me?" I ask

"I told you to think before you speak. Am I wrong"

"No you're not, but I also told you that I make my own decisions. Am I wrong?" I mimic him

This man really thinks he can control me, he really think after all these years of not talking we will be okay.

"You are a brave woman, It's what I like about you. Now just give me the damn vape so I can at least hit it just once"

"Whatever you want princess" I reply while giving him my vape.

Handing him the vape he takes deep breath in, inhaling the flavored smoke

"This is for anxiety isn't it?" he asks

"Yeah my bad for not telling you?"

We both step out of out of the car and Jake come's over to me and grabs my waist and pulls me into him.

We're inches away now, so close you could hear each others breath

I nervously look up to him to find him already staring at me

His green eyes were perfect, his hair falling down on to his forehead and his freckles made him look like a god

"Do I make you nervous? Do I  make you get butterfly's inside, Rodriguez?" he smirks at me while rubbing his hands on my waist

"No you don't " I reply while walking away from him. He stops me in my tracks and whispers

"Oh baby, don't ever walk away from me and I know your lying, you blush when your lying." He says while kissing the back of my neck.

I'm gonna murder him...

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