Quick Question

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Hey babes okay so like i read this again and its been almost a year and my writing has improved ALOT so i'm thinking of maybe rewriting this. Like same plot, same things happen in every chapter but i could actually make it good this time.

Let me be real with you guys here, when i read this again i barely understood what was going on half the time even though i wrote the damn thing. I'm looking at all the people reading this and i honestly feel bad that you had to go through this torture. I'm so greatful for how many people actually took the time to read this but i just wish i could show my actual writing skills, i mean i still suck but this is just a menace to society at this point.

so i'm asking for your opinions, please leave a comment so that i know if i should do this:

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Also do you guys hear that in the distance? I think it's my best friend yelling at me because she knows i'm just using this as an excuse to procrastinate on my other story. IT'S NOT MY FAULT OKAY I HAVE WRITERS BLOCK ON THE OTHER ONE!!

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