chapter 5

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the morning after their talk Spencer walked into work and went straight for Hotch's office without even dropping his stuff at his desk, knocking until he heard a quiet but strict "come in" from his boss. Derek watched the whole interaction and got worried for his best friend who was clearly nervous about something. Hotch looked up from his paperwork to see Spencer standing nervously in his office "Reid? is there something I can do for you?" he asked confused as the younger agent had yet to say anything. 

Spencer sighed and sat down in the chair in front of his boss "I want to tell you about something but I would appreciate it if you didn't tell the rest of the team about it" Hotch nodded in agreement, silently telling him to continue "I met someone a few months ago" he started and a smile immediately found its way onto his face as he thought about her "her name is Elizabeth and I've been dating her in secret for almost three months now, I didn't want the rest of the team to know because I can't stand even the thought of her being in danger" 

Hotch gave him a look of understanding, he knew from unfortunate experience how easy it was for your loved ones to get hurt in this business "you seem to really love her" he told him, he could tell from one look that this girl meant the world to Spencer and he was ready to do anything he asked of him "yeah, yeah I think I do" he said while rubbing the back of his neck as a light blush crossed his features "I wanted to let you know about her so that if anything were to happen on the field you could let her know and you know keep her updated as much as possible" 

"Reid nothing's going to happen to you, the whole team has your back. always" he nods at that but continues "still, you really never know what could happen so I would appreciate it if you could do this for me. Please don't let her think too much if something ever does happen, she gets really scared of things like that and I don't want her to worry all day. also, she's a great nurse at Destiel Memorial hospital (Hehe) so if there was ever a local case make sure I end up there" he nods professionally, trying to mask how much the thought of someone on his team getting hurt kills him "of course Spencer though I do have a favour to ask in return" 

he nodded quickly "anything" Hotch flashed him one of his rare smiles as he continued "I would love to meet the girl that gets you to smile like that" Spencer looked down smiling, trying to hide his returning blush "I'm sure she would love that" they talked for a while longer as Spencer told Hotch all about Elizabeth and how they met, setting up a time for them to meet and asking him to bring Jack as he knows how much she loves kids. At some point he was told to go back to work, and he left to his desk with a big smile on his face. 

Morgan was watching them practically the whole conversation, glancing at them occasionally as he worked on files. He was a bit worried because it was obviously something important, but as he saw the big smile on his face his worries faded. he decided to ask about it anyways as he went up to sit on the doctor's desk to tease him about it "hey pretty boy" Spencer rolled his eyes as he looked up at him, but the smile never dropped "yes Morgan, is there something I can help you with?" he asked his best friend "well I would love to know what that huge smile is about" he replied 

"Let me rephrase my question, is there something work related I could help you with?" he joked, and Morgan hit his on the shoulder "come on man, you were in there for close to an hour. what's going on?" he asked seriously but Spencer just smiled up at him "it's nothing Derek and for your information I was in there for forty-two minutes and eight seconds" he replied which made the slightly older man roll his eyes "kid seriously, is everything okay?" he asked, and Spencer sighed, appreciating the concern his friend had for him. 

"Really, everything is great. If you needed to know I would tell you but it was just a simple conversation between me and Hotch, nothing bad I promise" he replied, dropping the joking manner in which he was speaking. Normally he would push harder but knowing that the kid was okay was all he needed, so he dropped it with a small joke "fine don't tell me, but I'll figure it out some day. you can never hide something from me for long" with that he left to go back to work, and they spent the rest of the day finishing their paperwork. 

as the work day came to an end Spencer stayed behind to call Elizabeth without someone hearing them "hey Spence, how'd it go" she answered quickly, he smiled as he replied, "it went great actually, he wants to meet you so I was hoping we could go out for ice cream with him and his son" she sighed in relief at the good reaction "yeah of course, I would love to meet him. I'll be ready in like ten minutes if you want to meet here before we go" he agreed, and they said their goodbyes so that he could go talk to his boss about the plans. 

They met up and talked for hours, Elizabeth and Hotch becoming quick friends that day as Spencer watched in amusement at how easily his usually stoic boss warmed up to her. That night they went back to Spencer's apartment with smiles on their faces and Hotch's number saved into Elizabeth's phone, they had a conversation as they were going to sleep that night. Elizabeth couldn't help but see how comfortable and amazing Spencer was with Jack and when she mentioned it, they discussed how much they both wanted kids in the future, what was left unsaid however was how much they hoped that it was with each other. 

As they fell asleep in each other's arms that night they dreamt about their futures together, little Spencers and little Elizabeths running around their backyard as they watched over them fondly. rings on their fingers and smiles on their faces the entire time, they dreamt of their own perfect little family and spending their lives together. 

secret Love (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora