chapter 10

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(Time jump 11 years)
Spencer's pov:
We were in the round table room and Garcia was presenting a case that didn't sit right with me at all, my wife fit the m.o perfectly and it was local so when the briefing finished i right away called her "hey spence what's-" "where are you right now" i didn't even let her finish her sentence and she could probably clearly hear the panic in my voice "at home why?" "Are the girls with you?" "Yes now tell me what the hell is going on" "ok i will but first please go lock all the doors and windows and any other way someone could get in" she does just that then comes back to the phone "done now tell me Spence you're scaring me" "ok I'm sorry but we have a case and its local and the guy is killing short blonde nurses who are married and pregnant" "woah" "yeah its just too similar to you and i can't take any chances i can't lose you" "hey, hey you won't, me and the girls and the baby are ok don't worry" "ok, ok is D.j at home or school?" "No he's still at school" "ok I'm gonna call him, please be safe, i love you" "i love you too Spence" i hang up and call my son "hey dad what's going on I'm in class right now" "i know kid I'm soon but i just need you to check on your mom after school and stay with her ok?" "Why is everything ok?" "Not really the unsub we're chasing is killing people that fit your moms description perfectly and i just don't want her to get hurt" "ok I'll go over there as soon as school finishes" "ok good and D.j" "yeah dad?" "Be safe ok i love you" "i love you too dad and please be careful too" "i will kid don't worry" i hang up and go to join the rest of my team when Hotch pulls me aside "you should call Liz this m.o is matches her description too perfectly" "yeah i know i already did and i told D.j to check on her after school" "ok good".

Morgan's pov:
We had been working the case for two days now and all we knew was that these women were obviously surrogates for someone, Reid has been obviously on edge the whole case and everytime we have a new victim he gets worried at first i wasn't gonna ask him about it but i wanna make sure hes ok. I'm walking back to the bullpen from Garcia's lair when i see someone running from an elevator and i stop him right before he goes through the glass doors "woah, woah slow down man are you ok?" "I need to talk to Spencer reid where is he?" "First you're gonna tell me why then i might tell you where he is" "i don't have time for this i need to talk to him" i see a holster with a gun in it on his side so i put my hand on mine "I'm gonna ask you again why do you need to talk to Spencer Reid?" "Look you can take me in there yourself and watch me like a hawk i just need to talk to him right now" i agreed and walked through the glass doors with my hand still on my gun. The second we walk in Reid stops talking to Emily and looks over to us "D.j?" We all look at the kid as he runs over and hugs Reid, he pulls away and Reid sees the gun and takes it "why are you wearing your gun, you hate guns" "i-it was so bad and i-i can't stop replaying it over and over in my head" suddenly Reids expression became serious and he took the kid into the round table room and closed the door. Ten minutes later he came out super angry and told us to come in so we all did.

Spencer's pov:
The team came into the round table room and sat down the second Hotch came in he looked at D.j then back at me "no" i just nodded knowing exactly what he meant he sat down and i started "D.j" i looked at him and he pulled up a picture of my wife on the screen "this is our latest victim, sh-she was the target all along and the others were just surrogates for her, and we know that because the unsub didn't kill her, he shot her in the arm and he" i can barely speak the next sentence so i take a deep breath and look at D.j, he pulls up a picture of my twin daughters "instead he kidnapped her daughters and left a note saying that this, that this was better then killing her because he wanted her to know that she couldn't do anything about her daughters being kidnapped and eventually killed he then finished the note by saying revenge is a bitch" i haven't looked away from the tv with the pictures of my family until Emily speaks "so do we know who the victims are?" I look at her and take a deep breath "yes, this is Elizabeth Anne Reid, my wife" everyone looks at me confused but i just keep going "these are my twin girls Penelope and Maddison" i look at Garcia and give her a small smile as i see a tear come down her cheek "Penelope?" "Yeah Penelope, and this-" i put my arm on D.js shoulder "is my son D.j" i look over to Morgan "Derek Jason Reid" he now also lets a tear fall from his face "now i wish i had time to explain all of this to you but we need to find him and get my daughters back" "right yeah let's get those precious babies back home" i smile at Garcia "now i know exactly who the unsub is" they all look at me and i continue "before me and Liz started dating she had only had one boyfriend and he was extremely physically and mentally abusive, his name is Ross Smith and he most likely wants revenge because she got him arrested and then ran away so that he could never find her" Garcia starts typing on her computer "i have an address and a warehouse in his name" "ok we'll split up" Hotch said and then looked at me "i'm not gonna try to convince you not to go" "good because it would have just wasted time, listen and listen closely if you guys find them instead of us no one go near them except Hotch because they know never to go with anyone even if they say they know me or look like cops or even agents" "why would they go with Hotch?" "Hotch is their godfather and the only one who knew about them, they love him" "and i love them like my own, i won't let them get hurt" "let's go"

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