chapter 3

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A/N: ok guys, i didn't think i was going to do this but i've evolved quite a bit more as a writer and i'm not scared of a little spice in my stories anymore. this chapter contains explicit smut towards the end, if you wish to not read it skip from the line "i promise" until the stars (*) further down.

the morning after their first date Elizabeth woke up to her phone ringing and groaned loudly before answering with an annoyed greeting, ready to kill whoever called her this early. only to quickly jolt up when she heard a laugh on the other end of the line, a very familiar laugh "Spencer?" the laughing died down before she heard a soft answer.

"yeah, sorry for waking you this early. you're clearly not a morning person" they both started laughing this time as she tried to defend herself "hey in my defense you kept me out late last night and it's only-" she pauses to check the time on her phone "six in the morning! you're so lucky you're too cute to kill" his laughing abruptly stopped and she could just imagine the blush on his face right now "i really am sorry though" he replied honestly, he knows she must have long shifts as a nurse and he felt bad for waking her this early.

she smiled at this before replying "it's fine, i was gonna wake up in like an hour anyways to get ready for work. i am curious why you called me this early though" he laughed again but this time she could hear his nerves seeping through "well i couldn't stop thinking about you all night so i got in my car and next thing i know i'm in front of your house. please don't take this as like a super creepy thing and i'll leave right away if you ask me to, i was just hoping you would want to go for a walk in the park before work today"

she didn't find it creepy at all, she actually thought it was really cute that he wanted to see her again so soon "i'll be down in a minute, just let me change my clothes" he breathed a sigh of relief and replied "okay perfect, i'll see you soon then" they hung up and Elizabeth rushed to put on a cute but comfortable outfit before putting her hair in a messy bun and running downstairs to meet Spencer.

when she walked out the door she found him leaning against his car in a similar outfit to the day the met and smiling at her like she was the most precious and beautiful human being to ever live on this earth, which is exactly what he was thinking at that moment. she walks up to him and hugs him as if it's the most normal thing to ever happen and he returns it like they've done this every day for their entire lives.

when they let go he stared at her for a while until she looked down and smiled nervously "what?" he smiled back at her, god how could she not know how beautiful she was "nothing, you just look really nice" she blushes at the remark and doesn't look back up until he reaches his hand out for her to grab "shall we?" he says jokingly but his smile drops as he sees her flinch at the sudden movement of his arm, he doesn't want her to see his concern though as he guesses it was probably nothing so he pretends he doesn't see it.

she takes his arm after a moment and they start walking around until they find a big tree with a nice patch of shade under it and sit down together "ot's funny, this is my favorite spot to come read when i have the time" Elizabeth tells him "really? i come here all the time to read when i have a day off or to play chess down there-" he explains while pointing to a few tables at the other end of the park "-this place is actually pretty far from my apartment building but i love coming down here, my old mentor lived around here and this is where i would meet him to practice my chess skills before he left"

he looks down, saddened by the memories "Jason Gideon right?" he looks up surprised "how'd you know?" she rubs the back of her neck, suddenly a bit nervous and blushing "well this might make me seem like a bit of a stalker but i've always been interested in your team's work and i used to read articles about you guys whenever they came out. i swear i really didn't know it was you when i first met you, the articles really only mentioned agent Hotchner and Gideon since they were the bosses of the unit." she groaned and put her face in her hands "oh god you probably thing i'm some kind of freak now, i swear out meeting was by chance and i really didn't kn-"

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