chapter 1

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It was early monday morning, Spencer Reid and Elizabeth Wilson, two complete strangers walked down the same street, each in the opposite direction, going to two different destinations and way too caught up in their phones to look at their surroundings. Their attentions were quickly pulled away from their seperate text conversations when they accidentally bumped into eachother, Elizabeth's coffee spilling all over the both of them.

Elizabeth put her phone down quickly and grabbed the napkin she had in hand, trying to clean up her mess while apologizing to the poor guy she just practically assaulted with the hot beverage. She didn't stop until she heard a small laugh from the much taller man, she looked up and he smiled at her "you don't have to keep apologizing really, i wasn't paying attention either"

He stuttered slightly as he spoke because he was nervous, he didn't normally talk to strangers unless he was on a case and that was always easier for him because he was normally profiling those people so he didn't have to think about the actual confrontation much. Right now though he was just having a normal conversation with a very beautiful woman.

She smiled back at the fact that he was trying to be nice but she still felt bad "no i really do trust me, i was on my phone and just ugh i'm sorry" she covered her face and laughed nervously, blushing like crazy because she was also stuttering and it was really just like her to find a guy this cute only to embarasse herself in seconds. She looked back up when she heard him talk again "no, no really i promise it was not your fault i was also on my phone so i'm sorry"

She laughed again but this time a little more calmed down "how about we both just stop apologizing and agree that neither of us were paying attention when we should've been" He let out an adorable laugh and nodded his head "yeah i think we can do that" some of his floppy hair fell onto his face and he pulled it behind his ear, they both took this moment to really look at eachother and study eachothers features more intently.

Spencer was much taller than her with amazing brown eyes and matching hair, it was slightly curly and kept falling onto his face even though had he just fixed it, the thing that caught her eye the most though was definitely his smile. She had never seen a smile this beautiful and she immediately thought that she could look at it forever and then looked down when she realized. She had only just met this man and didn't even know his name yet she never wanted to stop talking to him.

Little did she know that she was thinking the same thing, he had seen how gorgeous she was since he looked up from his phone but he had only now noticed her nice and genuine smile that really softened her face and made her look even better. The next thing he saw was her long blonde hair that framed her face amazingly, but what really took his breath away were her eyes. They were a beautiful bright blue that almost looked as if they were shining in the sun and he found himself thinking about getting lost in those eyes for the rest of his life.

They were quiet for a little until she looked down and saw his shirt, his white shirt and gasped "oh my god your shirt, i completely ruined it" she exclaimed slightly louder than she meant to which scared him and he looked down from his staring to see what she meant "oh don't worry i have an extra one at work and i can just change into it when i get there" she was slightly confused as to why he had a shirt at work but then suddenly her eyes widened as she remembered something.

"Oh my god work!" she practically yelled and Spencer was slightly taken aback by her sudden volume but when he actually realized what she said he got kind of afraid that she might have to leave already "please, please tell me i'm not making you late for work" she said quickly and he sighed in relief that she didn't have to go yet, he pulled out his phone to check the time and realized that he was in fact late but he really didn't want to leave so he lied instead "oh no don't worry i still have some time before i need to go"

secret Love (Completed)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon