chapter 4

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Spencer wakes up first that morning with Elizabeth still in his arms, the girl that was a stranger not long ago but is now so much more to him. he can't help but lean down to kiss her on the forehead, admiring the way she looks in his hoodie that's way too big for her petite form. he takes a minute to just look at her relaxed face as she sleeps before he got interrupted by her voice "you know watching someone sleep is very creepy" she jokes as she opens her eyes, blinking to adjust to the light in the room.

he laughs at her statement before leaning down once again to capture her lips this time, she kissed back but groaned as she pulled away "you have morning breath" he mocked offense as he pulled back "well your breath doesn't smell too great either but i still kissed you" she tilted her head and hummed as though she was contemplating something before replying "guess you're right" she said before leaning up to give him another chaste kiss that they both laughed into.

"do we have time to eat breakfast together before you go to work?" she asks and he turns to look at the alarm clock "it's still only seven so we have plenty of time" he replied smiling "perfect, i'll go make us breakfast" he kissed her again "you don't have to make anything, we can order in or something" she shook her head at his suggestion "i love cooking and baking, plus i want you to taste my world famous pancakes" she says, exaggerating the words 'world famous' making Spencer laugh.

"alright, whatever you want. can i take a shower though before we eat, i didn't have time before i came over yesterday and um, i kind of sweat a lot last night" they both blushed at the last statement, understanding what he meant "yeah of course, the towels are under the sink in the cabinet" she tells him as she tries to get out of bed, key word: tried. the second her feet hit the floor she did too, her legs felt completely wobbly after last night.

she glared at Spencer as she heard him laughing, he quickly stopped and got up to help her. he picked her up and sat her on the bed, still trying to stifle his laughter to which she sent him another glare "i'm sorry okay" he said but his laughs almost drowned it out, she couldn't help but join in "well i guess you did warn me this would happen" he blushed at that "i hope i didn't go to far last night" he said genuinely and she smiled at his concern "you didn't Spence, it was great. though i do wish i could actually get up to make you some breakfast" she joked

he went to check his go bag, then the kitchen before coming back with an advil and a glass of water for her to drink "this should help you by the time i get out of the shower but if you're still not feeling well my offer to order in still stands" she nods at him gratefully and he leaves to go into the bathroom. she's able to get up after a few minutes and start on making some pancakes, she was almost finished as she heard the water shut off and Spencer walking out of the bathroom minutes later, angrily screaming at his phone "goodbye Morgan!"

she looked at him confused and worried "please tell me you don't have a case again?" she asked and he smiled at her, though it didn't quite reach his eyes "no, don't worry. it's just Derek trying to set me up with one of his friends again" she immediately got insecure and looked away from him, staring intensely at the pancakes "what did you tell him?" she asked quietly but he heard her as in that time he had came behind her, he wrapped his arms around her from behing making her flinch a bit but he ignored it, having gotten used to it by now.

"well obviously i told him no" she sighed in relief but then froze up as he continued "why would i wanna go on a date with someone when i already have a fantastic girlfriend who makes me her world famous pancakes" she didn't move for a while until she heard her name being called "Elizabeth, the pancakes are burning" he said concerned "shit" she muttered and removed it from the pan before turning off the stove and backing away a bit "did you say girlfriend?" she finally asked

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