chapter 11

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Penelope's pov:
I woke up on the cold floor of a room i didn't recognize and my sister right next to me "Maddie, Maddie wake up" i nudged her a little bit and she woke up "what happened, where are we?" "That guy he took us remember" "oh god mom, he shot mom before he knocked us out" "don't worry he shot her arm, she's probably fine" i get up and help my sister up and we go look for a door but then we hear footsteps, my sister looks scared so i comfort her "hey, hey its ok dad's gonna find us and remember what he said never show fear ok?" "Ok" we just go back and sit in the corner for hours, the guy who took us still hadn't come in, we didn't know why but god were we glad just then we heard running and gunshots we stood up holding eachothers hands then someone kicked the door down and we backed up as much as we could "no, no hey I'm not here to hurt you i promise" he puts his gun away and a few seconds later someone runs in and we both run to him "dad!!" We say in unison as he kneels down and opens his arms so that we can hug him "are you guys ok did he hurt you?" "No dad we're fine he never came in here" "thank god" he hugs us again tightly "mom, he shot mom is she ok" Maddie asks as she pulls away a little "D.j is at the hospital with her right now she's ok" "and the baby?" I ask worried "don't worry the baby's ok too" we both let out a sigh of relief and hug our dad again, were very small like our mothef so he's able to pick us both up and take us out of there "i love you guys so much" "we love you too dad" just then we hear a car door close and look behind us to see another familiar face "uncle Aaron" we scream as we run to hug him too "hey girls, are you guys ok?" "Yeah we're fine, happy to be out of there" he lets out a little chuckle "good, im happy you're back too" he gives us one more tight squeeze before we go back to our dads arms.

Spencer's pov:
After we got my daughters back we went straight to the hospital to see my wife, the second we go in i give her a big hug then i kissed her "ow careful spence" "i'm sorry are you ok i didn't mean to hurt you" she just looks at me and smiles "it was worth it" "i should've been at home, i should've known, if i would have just told the team theb i could've brought you guys is and none of this wou-" "hey stop it's ok, im ok, the baby's ok, Penelope and Maddie are ok, D.j is ok, theres nothing you could have done Ross was insane and there was no stopping him" tears start streaming down my face "when i saw D.j i-i thought i lost you" "you can't get rid of me that easily" i let out a little chuckle through my sobs and kiss her again this time careful not to hurt her "i think its time me and the kids finally meet the team" "yeah i think so too" i leave the room and come back moments later with one team member at a time introducing them to my family.

Elizabeth's pov:
I introduced myself to each of the team members, already knowing their names from pictures or Spencer's descriptions of them, they were happy to meet us and most of them were chill and just talked a little bit before leaving but two of them definitely stood out ironically enough they were the two that we named our kids after "so you are pretty boys wife, its nice to meet you, really wish it could have been sooner" he shoots a glare at Spencer "hey come on don't make him feel bad it was to protect us and i agreed with his decision" "i see you're definitely protective which is great so I'll back off because i know there's no point in arguing with a mama bear" i let out a small chuckle at the nickname and we talk for a few minutes before he leaves and lets Garcia in "oh my god, oh my god, girl genius and mini geniuses" we all laugh at her excitement "you must be Penelope Garcia" "yes i am and i am also a big hugger" she comes up to me and hugs me from the side avoiding my arm "so am i" "don't worry when your arm heals i'm gonna give you a real hug" "that's gr- oh my god" "what's wrong did i hurt you?" "No, no, I'm fine i just need you to go get Spencer" "is everything ok mom?" D.j was sitting next to me and had a worried look on his face "yeah everything's great... my water just broke"

Spencer's pov:
I was in the hallway talking to Morgan when suddenly Garcia rushes out of my wifes room and straight towards me "is everything ok, what happened?" "Don't worry boy genius she's fine but you're about to have another baby genius, her water just broke" my eyes grow wide and a huge smile comes on my face as everyone hugs. I rush into her room and stand by her side "are you ready to do this?" "I have the four most important people in the world to me in this room why not make it five?" I laugh a little then kiss her "i love you so much" "i love you more" "not possible" i smile with my forehead still against hers then give her one more quick kiss before getting a doctor. Only three hours later our baby boy was born, the whole team came into the room and we announced his name "we were going to name one of our twins this but they both ended up being girls so we thought since this one is a boy it's perfect" "this person has helped the both of us through so much and we've become close over the years and this is our thank you to him" "i want you guys to meet Aaron Reid."

Author's note:
Ok guys this is the end of the story i know it was short but i hope you liked it and i am going to start a new one hopefully soon!

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