Chapter 4

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Yunho froze. Did the King really send his army to attack? He wasn't sure what to do in this situation. Run and escape, or fight back?

His flight sense kicked in and he threw himself over several jagged rocks to hide from shooters. Others fought back and when the numbers from the few that had been sent of the King’s soldiers began decreasing, they scrambled for the lifeboat. 

It was a surprise. No one expected the soldiers to be there and no one expected any deaths to happen from among the Pirates. 

The air was heavy with tension and those that remained on deck searched to see if they could spot all the ones that headed to shore. Most of the Pirates were bruised or bloody but no one complained. There were those that had tears streaming down their faces knowing they lost someone dear.

"An unfortunate turn of events," Mingi muttered, taking a second to glance at his hurt crew mates before heading to the other end of the ship.

Yunho stared at the people around him and even though they were the bad ones, he felt hurt within him to know that his Kingdom was the one that hurt the people around him, regardless if they were evil people or not.

"WHERES WOOYOUNG?!" a frantic voice yelled.

Yunho identified him as San and his heart broke knowing he had just seen the males having their moment earlier in the morning.

"He's dead," a crewmate muttered, bitterness in his voice. "And so is Jongho and Dejun."

Yunho glanced around him for a moment to see who all would react badly to the news. On the deck, he saw Yeosang take a seat and breathe heavily and so did two other individuals who he assumed were close to Dejun.

"This is why I told all of you from the beginning not to get too close to anyone because they'll eventually die," Mingi muttered.

The tone of voice made anger flare within Yunho and he wished to climb the ship and land a nicely placed punch on the Captain's godly face. 

How dare he say such things when people were suffering for their loved ones?

Such a cruel bitch.

"San, I don't expect you to mourn too much. Wooyoung was weak anyway and had it coming," Mingi stated, not a care in his voice.

His crewmate sat on a bench, silent tears streaming down his face for the male that died and yet their Captain didn't care for them one bit.

Was Mingi really the person everyone left their previous lives for to follow? Was this the treatment they received and lived with? Was this some form of punishment they gave upon themselves and accepted?

Yunho pulled himself up the side of the ship and headed to his bed in the small room. He wasn't willing to be in the same area as their Captain. He didn't even want to hear the male’s voice anymore.

It was pure hatred within him and he wished to drown the Captain and tie him to the bottom of the ship along with Yukhei who had probably started being eaten by fishes already.

San walked into the room in a robotic-like state and took a seat on the bed. He stared at the wall with no life in his eyes and the male looked like he was about to pass out.

Yunho watched him from afar but didn't bother to ask him anything, knowing he probably wouldn't get a response anyway.

They remained in silence, only two of them in the room. Apparently, Yeosang had headed to the kitchen to start cooking as a form to distract himself and no one seemed worried he might try to slit his throat with a knife due to losing the person he was closest to, Jongho.

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