Chapter 10

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Yunho glared at the people that stood in the palace's courtyard. 

Yeah, he expected quite a bit of people but seventy-eight of them? Really?

That many people wanted Mingi dead and the Pirate hadn't really done anything? Okay, maybe that was a tiny not so tiny lie.

The Captain DID send someone to murder a person who ended up murdering a child. And he did instruct the murder of the previous King. But it wasn't like the previous King hadn’t caused harm as well.

"WHEN DO WE GET TO MURDER THE PIRATES, YOUR MAJESTY?!" a villager yelled, making Yunho mad.

He held down his anger and smiled at them. 

"Don't you worry about that. Just wait a bit."

As if on cue, soldiers entered the courtyard, rapidly cuffing all of the people and bringing them to their knees. 

The people were shocked and some got scared. Was this part of the plan? Was this supposed to happen? What was their King planning?

Some of them had families at home but what did that matter at this point? 

"You will soon see the fate you had all planned for someone that didn't need it," Yunho spoke, authority in his voice which sent waves of fear into the people making them anxious, as they should be.

A peal of maniac-like laughter emerged from behind the King and the giant male spun to see Mingi entering the courtyard. Seonghwa, Hongjoong, and several women following behind the Captain with grins.

Yunho stepped away from the people, allowing Mingi to be the main attraction. His red hair fell over to the side of his face and his tall stature made him look exquisite. 

The tan skin was godly in the morning sun and before Yunho could stop himself, he allowed his mind to run free with unholy thoughts of the Pirate.

Thoughts that weren’t safe for others to know of.

Thoughts that shouldn't rampage free at a moment like this. 

“I hope you guys like red,” Mingi announced, his voice full of cheer. “Because you'll be seeing it and a lot of it too.”

Rifles and revolvers were slowly pulled out from pockets and within coats, the nozzles aimed at the people that kneeled on the ground. The thoughts of murdering the Pirates no longer seemed that exciting knowing the roles had been reversed and they were about to be shot.

“Have fun taking your last breath,” Mingi laughed, the true colours of a bloodthirsty Pirate shining brightly.

“You may begin,” Yunho whispered, only loud enough for the Captain to hear.

Slowly, Mingi raised his hand, revolver in hand, and aimed at one of the heads of the many people. With a wicked grin, Mingi took the first shot, signalling the beginning of a massacre.

“Have fun, guys,” Mingi laughed, retreating backwards and allowing Seonghwa, Hongjoong, and the women to have their fun in shooting and spreading the blood everywhere.

Yunho’s stomach curled. Yeah, he allowed the murder to happen but the sight of all the blood flying everywhere wasn't that settling.

Heads shot partially off, holes in chests, foreheads missing, brain parts everywhere. Stomachs slashed, throats gone, some had their faces gone from the gun explosions.

It was horrible. 

But he commanded it.

Yunho felt like taking a seat but how would he, the person who allowed this, look if he took a seat right then? He would look weak and so he stood firm with a blank face.

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