Chapter 7

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Hongjoong managed to bring Mingi onto the deck to have a "talk" and while out there, led the Captain to the edge of the deck. Yunho watched from behind barrels to see how it would go and held his breath once he saw Hongjoong making the most important move.

In a second, Mingi was being lifted and thrown overboard. The boatswain's face looked pale and shaky, causing Yunho to chuckle at the way he was so panicked.

"Yunho?" Hongjoong frantically called out, " I THINK HE'S DROWNING!"

Yunho stopped laughing and dashed to the edge of the deck to peer into the water. Sure enough, splashing and sputtering below was their Captain.

"Oh shit, oh fuck, oh shit, oh fuck!" Yunho panicked.

He immediately stripped off his trousers and dived over board head first, his tail forming in seconds below water.

Quickly swimming to Mingi's side, he wrapped his long arms around the Captain's waist and carried both of their bodies to the side of the ship where the lifeboat was.

Yunho wasn't strong enough to lift the Captain over the side of the small boat so he held the body of the red haired male against him while he waited for Hongjoong to help them.

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT, KIM HONGJOONG?! I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU!" Mingi boomed, his face turning red in anger.

"No, No! don't kill him!" Yunho pleaded, " It was my idea, I just wanted to see what kind of reaction you would have to that kind of thing!"

"Well I'll kill both of you!" Mingi spat, bringing his hands up to choke the Prince.

"Listen to me Mingi, there's a higher chance that I'll kill you right here than you kill me," Yunho glared, knowing he could simply let go of the Captain or drag him under and hold him there until he drowned like what he did to Yukhei.

"If I die, so will you."

Yunho felt anger within him and he slapped Mingi's legs with his tail. The action hardly had any effect since the water slowed the powerful hit but it caused the Captain to look into the water where he saw the same tail he had seen weeks prior.

"Oh? So you're our dinner? Disgusting. How can a creature like you exist? We can’t be cannibals if you're not even human, we can roast you and eat you in fish form.”

Hongjoong's head appeared over the side of the ship and panic set within him. Would he be killed? Would Mingi also kill Yunho? Would Yunho get mad enough and kill their Captain right there?

"Hongjoong, pass me a harpoon," Mingi growled, extending his arm above his head to his boatswain.

Yunho realized the only way he would be surviving would be to let go of the Captain and get out immediately and so that was what he did.

"Don't you dare kill Hongjoong but if you want me, you will have to search for me," Yunho whispered, staring into Mingi's beautiful brown eyes before letting go of the Captain and diving down into the ocean as quickly as possible.

If he planned on surviving, he had to swim along the bottom of the sea so he would be harder to spot. He had no intentions of being murdered and if what Mingi had said was true, he didn’t plan on becoming Pirate food either.

After swimming for a solid hour, Yunho surfaced from the water and realized he ended up around halfway up his country. He didn't plan on staying that far away and so he swam back in the direction he came from and got out of the water where he knew he would be several miles away from the Palace. 

And so he began to walk. He walked for half an hour before he spotted the castle in the distance and then walked another forty-five minutes until he entered the Palace gates.

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