Chapter XXVII

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Like she had earlier predicted, the news of her going with Eklavya, that too on his Royal Enfield, spread like wildfire in the school.

Anamika felt the sweltering gazes fixated upon them, the moment they stepped inside the school premises. From the corner of her eyes, she even saw some girls whispering amongst themselves.

'Don't think too much Anamika. It's all fleeting. A week and they wouldn't even remember my face.' She said to herself.

The moment Eklavya had stopped his Royal Enfield, Anamika had literally stormed off, like she was on fire, towards the room where her friends were. Not even bothering to say a small word of gratitude.

Eklavya saw her leave like he'd many a time. And he'd never give it much thought.

But this time, there was a strange and foreign longing that smouldered in his dark eyes. A wistful and selfish wish that didn't want her to leave him behind this.... this one time.



That was all Anamika could muster upon seeing her friends decked up from head to toe in the stunning drapes of traditional clothes.

Rupali was enchanting in her light, almost negligible purple-coloured drapes whereas Sonali was too pure and lovely in the pastel green costume.

And Saanvi looked so ethereal that Anamika could do nothing but stare at her.

Anamika had suggested that they should choose light pastel colours that would accentuate more on their movements and facial expression and give them a pure look.

And my lord was that the best decision that Anamika had ever made.

"You're finally back," Saanvi exclaimed with joy when she spotted her.

Sonali who was helping Rupali with her make-up looked up and worriedly asked, "You got the new dupatta, right?"

"Of course, Sonali. Although the dupatta didn't take long, we got stuck in the traffic on our way back here." Anamika explained as she quickly started to change into her costume which consisted of ivory coloured ghaghra, a choli and the net dupatta.

"We'll talk about that later, first you should get ready or we'll be late because we also have to do your hair and make-up," Saanvi spoke and started to help Anamika get ready.

"Sonali after you finish that slowpoke's make-up, help me with Anamika's hair," Saanvi instructed. "With Anamika's hair we'll have to use hair extensions or she'd stick out like a sore thumb since we all have long hair."

"Yeah yeah! don't rub salt on my wounds, Miss Rapunzel." Anamika mouthed sarcastically. "I too had hair that almost reached my waist till last year."

"Really!" Rupali wondered in awe. "Then why did you cut your hair."

"No reason." Anamika shrugged her shoulders, "I just felt like it."

"And now she's to resort to using hair extension." Saanvi didn't miss the opportunity to take another dig at her.

"Stop it now Saanvi. I've heard enough moaning from you on this topic." Anamika zeroed her brown orbs at her and mouthed tightly.

"I won't stop and will keep reminding you to annoy you. Since that's my speciality." Saanvi winked at her playfully and smiled.

"And that ultimately is one of the many reasons why you don't get along with Naina. And she's always complaining about you." Anamika jibed.

"Hey! That's mean Anamika." Saanvi pouted at the unjust allegation.

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