Chapter XXI

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Anamika stood there gobsmacked, whilst the duo stopped dead in their tracks.

Slowly turning their head in her direction, they both looked at Anamika as if seeing her for the first time and then at the pillow gulping audibly, that lied around her feet.

Aarav already familiar with his sister's short temperament quickly pulled on an innocent face. "Di you're finally here. Thank god! Or I thought I was going to die today from the hands of this brute." He spoke moving towards Anamika pointing an accusing finger at Advay.

Advay raised a brow, as if mocking him, "Oh! Really then please also convey to your dear sister how you've been acting since morning." then smirking he added, "Or should I tell her."

"Te – Tell her... what will you tell her? There is nothing that needs to be told to her. Don't trouble my sweet sister anymore you brute." Aarav cried out in indignation.

And the very next moment he literally had tears in his eyes. Advay rolled his eyes at the little drama queen. Seriously! This little trouble maker played histrionics even better than famed actors.

Turning his head to look at his sister, Aarav spoke with tears welling up in his eyes, "Di you don't know him. This brute had been bossing me around since morning. The fact that I'm sick doesn't even seem to faze him. And now he was telling me-

"To go and take a bath as you stink." Advay completed for him, his voice bitter and sarcastic.

"See! See how he talks to me Anamika di. He thinks I'm his slave since I'm staying in the same room as him." As soon as he said that, the tears that were caged in his eyes till now started free flowing.

If it was any other person than they would've been successfully trapped in his skill full acting. But it wasn't any other person, it was Anamika, his sister, who knew him in and out like the back of her hand.

His acting didn't even faze her as she was used to his dramas back home. So not withstanding his little act anymore, Anamika swiftly captured his ear and twisted it painfully.

Aarav who had not expected it, cried out in sheer and excruciating pain. Though his sister looked fragile and soft, she was the real brute if she wanted to, unrelenting and unforgiving.

"If we're done with this little act of yours Mr. National Award Winner then I'd like you two to get ready and bring your sorry asses' downstairs." She spelled out for them through gritted teeth and they quickly nodded their head in agreement.

Not wanting to enrage her any further.

"Advay pick up your clothes and get into the bathroom." She dictated and quickly nodding his head he fled for the bathroom.

Then turning to her little brother, she said, "If I heard you calling Advay brute ever again. Then you don't even know what I'll do with you. He's elder than you by good five years. So, call him Bhaiya and bloody respect him. You got it." she spoke menacingly and Aarav felt chills run down her spine.

His sister looked scary at the moment and Aarav suddenly wanted to hide himself under the safety of his quilts.

"Say you got it. And don't even thing I forget about that Let's-Spy-On-Saanvi mission of yours." she bellowed one more time.

"I -I got it Anamika di. I won't do this again. I – I swear." He promised earnestly. But there was also the fact that his ear could not handle anymore twisting now. It was literally throbbing so painfully; Aarav swore that it was going to remain red throughout the night.

Just then Eklavya walked inside the room, completely oblivious of anything. Causing the siblings to freeze instantly.


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