Chapter XLVII

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Seeing the cross look on her face Rudra gently pulled on her wrist and engulfed her in the warmth of his arms. Irritated Saanvi made a futile attempt to break-free only for him to tighten his hold even more.

"Leave me. I don't wish to talk to you," pouted Saanvi and looked anywhere but at him. They stood hugging each other in the leafy bower of the orchard owned by Parth's family.

And the place that had witnessed many of their surreptitious rendezvous.

Lips curled up in a knowing smile, Rudra tried hard to not to show how he found these little acts of her so damn cute, "But I do," he countered and put his chin on top of her head.

He knew she loved it every time he did this. And truly enough he could hear her hurling profanities at him in a disgruntled voice. Grinning from ear-to-ear Rudra bend his head only to rub his baby beard on her soft, supple cheeks.

Saanvi hissed, feeling the assault on her smooth cheeks. Pursing her lips, she looked up and glared hard at his handsome countenance.

With her narrowed eyes that spoke volumes, supple cheeks which were painted in a delightful red hue and her lips which were curled up in a scowl, she painted a breath-takingly alluring picture.

Rudra looked back at her with his eyes glimmering, relishing her ethereal miens. With both his hands enmeshed behind her back and hers on his forearms, he gazed at her long and hard.

Unable to look him in the eye, Saanvi quickly down casted her gaze, her long thick lashes adding charm to her beguiling visage, and heaved a sigh in defeat. 'Staying cross with him for more than five minutes always proved to be an ordeal for her.'

"I hope you enjoy your trip to Rajgir," she said cutely, meaning every word of it.

"I will," he hummed,

"While you're there you should call or text me once a day at least. Click a lot of pictures so I can decide if I want to plan my trip to Rajgir next time," she said earnestly making a mirthful chuckle escape his lips,

"Look after everyone and yourself. Don't give too much trouble to your poor aunt. Most importantly buy me a souvenir without any fail. If you return without one, I'll send you packing to Rajgir permanently." She threatened in a serious voice.

"Okay! I'll do everything as you said. Is there anything more you want to add?" he asked her, his tone a telltale of his enjoyment.

"Of course! There is!" she looked at him and suddenly her face darkened, feeling her hands move up from his forearms to his lapel Rudra felt her pull onto it harshly and BOOM! They were face to face.

"Always remember that I'm your girlfriend and you're only allowed to look at me and no one else. If I ever found out you tried to gel up to some girl while being there, I'll personally see to it that you won't even dare dreaming about it ever again," she whispered ominously, her words laden with promises to heavy repercussions.

Aghast Rudra gulped heavily and nodded his head in affirmation, as if promising he would never do such things.

And then to add to it he watched in complete bewilderment as her face once again lit up with a broad smile and hugging him of her own volition, she burrowed her face in his chest.

Baffled out of his wits, Rudra wondered if his Saanvi knew she could be so damn adorable and dominating, both at the same time. Well, he certainly wasn't complaining.

Anyways, Damn it all! With his arms around her waist, he lifted her up to give her a bone-crushing hug. His desire to convey how much he was going to miss her apparent.

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