Chapter VI

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Initially surprised and astounded with the sudden intimacy Anamika forget to breathe there just for a moment. And when he pushed her than did, she came out of her reverie and breathed in.

Suddenly perplexed at the confusing behaviour of his, Anamika was going to retort furiously against the manhandling she had just experienced when Rudra's voice echoed in the room.

"Anamika when did you come?" Rudra asked in fake astonishment. Sure, he was shocked and is still in it but any questions regarding this 'kiss' session would have to wait to be fired at Eklavya.

The chance to get back at Eklavya was snatched right under her nose, Anamika thought gloomily. She glanced at her left to see that Eklavya had already engrossed himself in books. Then she remembered why she'd come here in the first place.

"You remember what I told you yesterday right. Well, here's his email id." She raked her pocket and forwarded the paper towards Rudra.

Suddenly the flimsy paper was snatched away from her delicate smooth fingers. Anamika gasped at the sudden intrusion and found the culprit with his dark eyes fixed on the paper.

"Give it back Eklavya."

Not even bothering to answer her Eklavya looked at his brother Rudra who was also watching him with anxious eyes. "What's all this Rudra? Now, you've started doing charity also."

Anamika indignantly said, "That's none of your business." And pouted at him.

"It is mine if it includes my brother" Eklavya fired back, coldly.

"Don't worry about me Eklavya, I can take care of myself. And as for Anamika I'd promised her to help her out yesterday." Rudra piped in wisely.

After a moment of silence, Eklavya turned to the beautiful girl clad in black top and cream shorts on which bears were printed in black. "Who is it? The person who's bothering you."

Anamika wondered in amazement at how he knew and reluctantly answered, "It's not me it's actually Iqra he's bothering. His name's Majid Qureshi and he goes to St. Augustine. He's morphed her photos which he stole from her facebook account and is now pressurising her to become his girlfriend."

The look on Anamika's face was of pure disgust and anger.

"Tell Iqra to call him to meet her tomorrow morning at sharp 6:30 a.m. at the park near our school." He then turned to Rudra and forwarded the paper to him, "You know what to do."

Rudra nodded at him and took the paper from him. Anamika said, "Thank you Rudra and - Eklavya." She added his name at last, reluctantly.

"What are you thanking them both for?" A surprised voice startled Anamika as she whipped her head to look at Kasturi who had just returned from the bazaar as the bag full of groceries indicated.

"Oh! nothing aunty I was just –

"Huh it's time for the dinner already. And I hadn't even started anything." A frantic Kasturi hurriedly went to the kitchen after she looked at the clock. She paused and turned back, "What were you saying Anu?"

"Nothing – nothing aunty." Anamika replied. "I should probably get going aunty bye."

After sharing a knowing look with Rudra and glaring Eklavya, she left.


Anamika hurriedly sauntered towards her house, which she had left in the custody of her lunatic friends. She would be surprised if she didn't find the house to be completely turned into the wrestling arena.

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