Chapter XXXV

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Heavy blush adored Anamika's ivory complexioned skin, leaving it flushed. Her browns stared at him in disbelief. Anamika could literally feel her breath hitch, her heart skipping a beat and her mind turning haywire.

Eklavya sported a smirk on his sharp and handsome visage. His onyx glimmered with mirth as he took large and steady strides towards where he'd parked the car.

"Eklavya..." Anamika barely managed to whisper his name; her voice holding out a plea to him.

"I'm all ears, Miss Rathore," he said and she saw how the smirk plastered on his face deepened.

"Put...put me down." She whispered in a small voice. Her nervous eyes were darting here and there; lids heavy with extreme shyness.

Eklavya quirked a brow at that and Anamika groaned internally, realizing that he's not going to put her down till he'd had his fair share of fun, at her expense.

"Why, I thought you wanted me to pick you up? Now that I did, you're demanding the opposite, come one, make up your mind already, Miss Rathore." Eklavya spoke mischievously and looking at her face for a second, winked at her playfully.

Anamika gasped and gaped at his audacity to wink at her in this situation.

"People are watching," she reasoned weakly.

"They've nothing better to do anyway," Eklavya brushed it off, taking a turn on the left.

"They'll talk." She muttered, hoping that he'd heed her words.

'Who was she kidding? He was Eklavya!' It was damn hard – no! almost next to impossible to make him do something he didn't want to.

Looking at her with his smoldering eyes that always seemed to enamor her; pull her into deep waters; leave her mystified at the enigma that he was and the barely leashed desire to unravel him further,

Eklavya enunciated, "I don't care."

And then and there, Anamika felt herself falling deeper if that was even possible considering how much she fancied him already.

Her throat felt parched. she needed water. She needed some respite from all the somersaulting her insides were busy performing at the moment. Or else, she was going to faint in his arms.

'Stupid! You should've thought beforehand of the consequences that were to follow. But no! you just had to go and give your leg out, letting the ax fall on it magnanimously. Dumbo!'

'Now hear the music!'

"But Grandpa..." she suddenly recalled that they weren't alone. They'd come here with Pradeep.

Her brown eyes rounded in horror at the sheer possibility of her grandpa spotting them in this scandalous situation.

Eklavya looked at her terror-stricken face and smirked, he looked as if her grandpa spotting them bothered him the least. Identifying the person standing next to his car, Eklavya's eyes glimmered with naughtiness.

"Oh no! what to do now? He'd already seen us?" Eklavya shook his head dejectedly and sighed at the end.

Anamika felt sapped of all her energy as her whole body abruptly turned lax in his strong and robust arms. She could literally see her doom dangling in front of her eyes. She was done for! 'Bye-bye! See you all in the next life!'

Seeing them coming, Pradeep said from afar, "What took you two so long? I'd been waiting here for the past few minutes." He grumbled irately, not pleased at the fact that he was made to wait.

"We didn't see you coming? Did you use another exit?" Eklavya, instead of answering Pradeep, fired a counter-question at him.

"Oh! I did. A kind person gave me the directions." Pradeep answered,

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