Author Note ~ Funny

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My days are so messed right now. I'll tell ya why I have trouble setting a set schedule for posting and this will sum up 99.9% of why I hardly sleep in the process...

So Its Saturday as of this post, but I thought Yesterday was Saturday but really it was Friday...

Monday I worked 1000-1900... So 8 hours, no problem.

Tueaday was supposed to be 1PM till 10PM... Okay fine no problem perse. I hate closing.

Percisely when I was just about to leave for the night, the work alarm panel pooched out.... I physically could not leave the building because we could not arm it. By this point I was exhausted already...

So I phoned all my require people can't go into detail. To be told... It could take up to 6-7 hours till we get a security guy out to you...

So I sat... In the store... Waiting...

And waiting...

And waiting... Even got as bored as I started folding clothing... Did I mention I work as a retailer? Yea? We now ya know TMI.

Anyways... My General Manager who I had to wake up at 10:00 at night finally got to the store about 11:15 with a coffee for me, after convincing his wife he was not having an affair with a damn 24 year old and that work was urgent. He was the GM so he was first in line to get to the store because I wasn't suppose to be alone in the store.

So ya that was fun... His wife literally kept him texting him for like an hour or so. And frequently asked him what he was doing ...

I chilled on the other side of the store in camera view because legally we had to stay im Camera shot for security purposes. By now its midnight...

Anyways, he brought up how I seem way to chill about this night time situation and said you really aren't a girly girl like at all.

I'm like 5'3" and have seen some crazy shit in my life. Staying in a building all night wasn't gonna phase me. Done it plenty of times in the Cadet program and out in the wilderness.

I was like, "I'm can be anything. But a girly girl is not one of them... Unless its because of a moth then you'll see me freak and become girly."

He laughed and we talked about video games whatever. Lmao.

Well, lone behold about 20 minutes later I went to take a sip of my coffee and I see this fucking ugly ass Moth...

Yes... A fucking moth flying at the window wanting out of the store. Hoe the fuck I didn't notice the bastard earlier is beyond me. But my body moved so fast because this fucking moth came flying at me. My boss has never ever seen me fucking move as quick as I did and let the girliest sqweak out imaginable and fucking pissed himself laughing at me.

Cause now this fucking moth is nowhere to be bloody found and I wouldn't sit fucking still.

Long story short he found it amusing that at 12:30 in the mornnig he got to witness on of my deepest fucking fears (mottephobia- fear of moths specifically) Lepidopterophobia.... skyrocket and anxiety pierce through me.

So that was fun and well by 12:45 we were confirmes we could leave thw store security was coming.

So get home finally wind down its like 3:30 by this point and I just wanted to sleep but couldn't sleep long because my fucking paranoia kicked in. And by 6:30 I was wide awake as If I slept like 10 hours. But I wanted to sleep but had work in a few hours again.

All because I worked 10-7 now Wednesday, bearly away from the store for 8 hours...
Thursday rolls around and we were releasing a really big announcment for friday morning to the public and I was selected and toom charge of this annoucement 2 months ago to ahve it set so I worked OT  hardly slept that night worked OT 6:00-10:00 Thursday so by last night I thought was Saturday because I was working 1:00-10:00 again... And now I'm crying.

I've put in 10 hours worth of OT in three days hehe. And worked 20 regular hours...

So needless to say Its Saturday now. My GM witnessed me freak the fuck out with my Fear of Moths. Lack of sleep and maybe on cup number 25 since Tuesday night...

So my updates this last week make zero fucking sense to me but they do. And the weirdest stange things occure...

I fine this absolutely funny cause previously a few days before Tuesday sent everything fucking chaotic.

My GM was telling me how I never seem to have issues as the closing manager so he was giving me morw closing shifts...

24 hours! Later thats when this entire week went to shit and I had nothing but issues and I told him... Never ever schedule me to close again..

He laughed.

I'm salty...

Anyways.... This is why I can never ever have a set schedule posting cause my work hours are so fucked that it don't make sense to me anymore. So I post randomly when I have the chance. Hhehe

Speaking of which as I release this bumbling chaos of no idea what the hell... Its 12:12PM

So lets see what transpires in the world of Soul Tracker tonight shall we?...

-bye my Soulies.

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